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The press event went well and everyone was on the plane, flying to another city, most of them asleep.

Sadie was curled up with Caleb, both sleeping; Noah's head was on Millie's lap and he was asleep too; Gaten was passed out and sprawled across two seats; and Declan was sitting with Finn, her head resting on his chest, his arms around her sound asleep figure.

He was just watching her, tucking hair out of her face, lightly brushing his thumb across her cheekbone. He was infatuated with her. Everything was intriguing and beautiful and made him fall in love even more.

"You really love her... don't you?" Millie mumbled suddenly from across him.

He looked up and connected eyes with her. He hadn't realized she was up.

"Yeah... I really really do" He nodded, looking back at the girl in his arms.

"I've never seen her so... expressive. She was so mad at the restaurant, and so free in that hallway, and so happy in that lobby. I mean, telling you she loves you? I don't think it's common" Millie noted.

"I'm really luck. I know" He smiled up at Millie.

"She is too, though. You have to take care of her. Even though she doesn't want you to" Millie sighed, looking at the sleeping girl.

"Huh?" Finn frowned.

"Declan. She doesn't want you to take care of her. But you have to. Cam told me that, 'She could do it all on her own but it'll break her'" Millie quoted.

"I will. I'll take care of her. Promise" He nodded.

"And take care of yourself too" She reminded him.

He nodded. She seemed content enough.

"And try and get some sleep Wolfhard" She chuckled and closed her eyes as he went back to watching the sleeping girl in his arms.

The next morning, they were in London and Declan was feeling unwell again.

"Fuck this! I love London!" She whined at Cam as she lay in bed.

"I know, but doctors orders! You stay here" He sighed.

"Cammmmm!" She complained.

"Declannnnn!" He mimicked her and they both laughed.

"Declan!" Millie burst through the door, followed by the other kids.

"Hey guys" She sighed but still smiled at them.

"Oh we're so sorry you're sick again!" Millie huffed as she sat next to the girl on the bed and held her hand.

"I'm gonna kill my immune system" Declan rolled her eyes as she sat up more, Sadie and Noah taking seats along the edge of her bed too as Caleb, Gaten, and Finn stayed standing.

"If it doesn't kill you first" Gaten chuckled and they all laughed.

"So what are you guys gonna do today? You have to see the Eye! You're seeing the Eye right??" Declan asked excitedly. It was almost sad.

"Yes," Sadie chuckled, "Were seeing Big Ben, the London Eye, Buckingham Palace, the Tower Bridge, and the British Museum"

"Geez. Packed day" Noah realized.

"Yeah tell me about it" Caleb scoffed and yawned.

"It's wonderful here. I love it, and you will too. Have fun and take lots of pictures for me" Declan sighed.

"We will" Sadie smiled sympathetically at her as she rested her head on the sick girl's shoulder.

"You sure you don't want me to stay with you?" Finn frowned.

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