Chapter 4

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Jax wakes up when his phone rings, Corrie stirs in his arms and he presses a kiss to her temple. "Go back to sleep. I have to go, Church in 30"

"Everything okay?" she asked

"Yeah babe" He kisses her again and gets out of bed.

Corrie nods and looks at him while he's getting dressed, he slips on his cut and smirks at her, "What?"

"You look so sexy now"

Jax groans, "Baby don't do this to me. I have to go to Church"

"You don't want to be late?" she quirks an eyebrow, peeling off the duvet to reveal her naked body. "Abel's still asleep, I'm naked and you'"

Jax's dick twitches as he groans, his phone rings again disturbing both of them, "I can't. I can't" he kisses a pouting Corrie and answers his phone.

"Yeah, I'm coming... what?....Jesus Christ, I'm on my way"

Jax's voice is alarmed, Corrie sits up, "Everything okay?"

"Bobby got arrested, I need to go"

He runs out of the house and in a matter of seconds she hears the bike roar to life as Jax speeds away.

Corrie sighs and gets dressed in Jax's old SAMCRO T-shirt and boxers. She walks to Abel's room and finds the baby smiling at her.

"Hey bug, how long have you been awake? Huh?" she tickles his stomach making him giggle, "You want breakfast? Let's get you some breakfast"

She picks him up and kisses his cheek repeatedly, he giggles at her. She quickly warms up his bottle.

The doorbell rings. "Wonder who that could be, yeah? Who is that?" she asks Abel and he continues giggling at her.

"Since when do you ring doorbells?" She teases Gemma, she has boxes of stuff in her hands, "Smartass"

"I figured we can have a party for Abel's homecoming tonight?"

"That sounds amazing Gem."

Gemma smiles and picks up her grandchild, "You living here now?"

Corrie sighs, "Not officially."

"You've got a kid now, don't even try to disagree with me. Wendy ain't in the picture, you are. Act like it and move your shit into this house"

"Let' get these decorations up"

Gemma smirks at me and puts Abel back in his carrier.

A few hours later I get a message, it's from the realtor. I'm trying to get a premise to begin an art studio but so far I have no luck.

"Ah shit" I whisper, Gemma hears me and mumbles a 'what'

"I've been looking at premises to start a studio, so far no luck"

Gemma sighs, "How many places have you looked at?"

"8" I deadpan making Gemma curse, "Jesus, baby, does Jax know?"

"No. Can I ask you something?"


"Do you think my involvement with SAMCRO has anything to do with this?"

Gemma stops what she's doing and looks at me stern, "why ask that?"

"Cause the landlord at the second place called me a biker slut."

Gemma sighs, "Are you a biker slut?"

"No" I growl, we're so far off topic right now it ain't even funny.

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