Chapter 60

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Nero waits outside the hospital room for Jax. He made sure Corrie's fast asleep before confronting the man. He might be pissed at Jax for lying to him about Darvany, but the blonde artist has enough on her plate right now. She doesn't need to know that her fiancé ordered the kill on a woman.

"Nero" Jax addresses him, "Sorry, things with Corrie got in the way with Stockton and Diosa. How's everything going up there?"

"Good" The older man has a slight edge in his voice but still looks calm. "Do you believe in karma, hermano – I do."

"Why do you ask?" Jax asks with a snarl. He doesn't appreciate Nero's tone.

"You ever think maybe all these bad things that are happening to the mother of your son, is because of some heinous thing you did to another child's mother?"

Jax sneers, "Is there a point to your story?"

"I know about Darvany. Juice told me how you had him kill her. He's a rat, so he had to do what you asked. But I can't understand how you can order the murder of a woman and then go home and kiss your girl goodnight."

Jax scoffs, "I don't have the time for this"

"That's right, walk away. You think Corrie will look at you the same way if she finds out what you did?"

Something snaps inside Jax; he punches Nero and continues letting his fist do the talking before getting pulled off by Chibs and Tig.

"Stop it, stop it!" Gemma screams, "Do you really want to get kicked out of this place? Corrie needs you here, not behind bars"

Jax storms off and lights up a cigarette as soon as his feet touch the grass in front of the hospital

Juice is dead. No more remorse; no more second chances. He's done.


As soon as he calms down, Jax high tails it back to Corrie's room. Lyla and Gemma are keeping her company. Abel's asleep on Corrie's stomach.

"I'll take him home sweetheart, let you rest." Gemma announces as soon as Jax is inside the room. She doesn't want to stay after the scene outside earlier.

Corrie nods, "Thanks Gem, and thanks for the help at the gallery. You too Ly, thanks for everything." Lyla grins at her friend, "That's what family's for"

Lyla also stands up and follows Gemma out after the two women kiss the girl in bed.

She reaches for Jax's hand. "What's wrong? You look tense"

He gives her a smile as his guilt gnaws on him. He can't keep shit from her – she's always been scarily good with reading his thoughts. "I uh, club shit"

"You want to talk about it baby?" she tugs him forward so he'd sit down. He leans over and kisses her on the lips and remains in his position of leaning over her. "Juice... ratted on the club. In exchange for his spot at the table, I had him do shit for me. His, uh, his last order was to silence a possible rat. He failed"

Corrie nods, "So what happens to him now?"

"I don't know yet babe" Jax gives her a ghost of a smile, "But enough about that, how are you feeling?"

Corrie smiles, "I'm good. Sore, but fine. You need to relax"

"I'm fine" he smirks, it's like her to be in a hospital bed and still worry about his health. Corrie smiles, "I'm sorry our weekend alone got ruined."

"We'll just have to send the booger off to grandma's again soon" he teases causing her to laugh. "Come lie down with me baby"

He doesn't even hesitate to remove his cut and shoes, and soon lies down next to her. Jax kisses her on the lips and then the forehead, "Don't ever scare me like this again. I don't ever want to be close to losing you Corrie."

Corrie lifts her head and kisses him on the lips, "I'm not going anywhere Jackson. I keep my promises"

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