Chapter 86

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 A war is brewing between the Sons and the Irish because of the club's decision to finally get out of guns. After almost losing Corrie after his wedding, Jax made her a promise that he'll get the club out of all dangerous missions. So far, it's not looking too great.

Meanwhile in Corrie's office

"Di, have you finished the quotes for the latest paintings?" Corrie walks into the reception. She's been feeling sick the last few days, bloated and nauseous and uncomfortable. The warm California sun isn't helping either.

Poor Jax has got the brunt of it. He doesn't get laid anymore since she feels sick and sickly hot, and every time he asks her a question she doesn't like she snaps at him.

"Yeah, I did. Uh, here it is." She finds it under a pile of files and hands it to Corrie. Corrie smiles softly, "thank you. Oh wait, looks like you got the date wrong. Today's the 18th"

Diana frowns, "No Cor. Today is the 30th. Gee, you missed 12 days of your life"

Corrie doesn't laugh at the joke causing Diana to stop grinning. "Cor, what's going on?"

"I missed my period. Mind keeping an eye on the store while I run to the drugstore?"

"Of course" Diana's grin flares up again hoping her friend is pregnant.

Corrie walks down to the drugstore and quickly finds the pregnancy isle.

"That brand is the best" Corrie spins around from staring at the many brands on the shelf and comes face to face with the DA lady.

"Thanks" Corrie smiles and grabs the box.

"Mrs Teller, you might bring a child into this world, you have a little boy depending on you. Do the right thing; your husband is brewing a war with the IRA. If you want to keep your children safe, you need to get out of this town."

"I don't know anything about this war" Corrie murmurs, "But I promise you, if I feel unsafe I'll confront my husband. Until then I'm fine."

Patterson nods sceptically, "Your love and devotion for Jax Teller will be the end of your family."


Corrie drinks two bottles of water on her way to Lyla's house.

She knocks on the door to reveal Kenny. "Auntie Coco"

She grins and hugs the boy. "Hey handsome boy. I missed you"

Kenny giggles, "Silly auntie Coco. You saw me yesterday"

Corrie chuckles and kisses his hair, "Oh tell me you missed me, tell me, tell me"

Kenny laughs, "I missed you too auntie Co"

Corrie walks into the house, "Where's your sister?"

"Ellie has a sleepover with her friends. 1 day without her, it's the best"

Corrie splutters out a laugh and kisses his head. Lyla comes down the hall with a grin. "This is a surprise."

"I need to do something" Corrie murmurs, "I'm not yet sure if I'm happy or not to be doing this"

"Alright" Lyla grins, "Let's do it."

She steers Corrie away. The blonde accepts another glass of water causing the urge to pee stronger. "I have to pee on a stick. I skipped my period."

Lyla's eyes widen in excitement, "That's so great. Pee on that stick Cor, I want to know if I'm getting a niece or nephew."

Corrie doesn't smile as Lyla would have hoped for, "You don't want to be pregnant?"

"I do. I do but" Corrie sighs, "Sons are at war with the Irish and I don't want to bring a child into that."

"You deserve happiness Cor"

"I'm about to burst so can we hurry this thing along?"

Lyla laughs, "you know where the bathroom is. I'll wait out here."

Corrie walks into the bathroom and rips open the packet. She pees on the stick and comes out of the bathroom.

"What do we do now?" Lyla asks, excitement in her eyes.

"We wait for 5 minutes according to the instructions."

"What if you are pregnant?" Lyla inquires, "Would you be happy?"

Corrie sighs and plays with her wedding rings, "I would give anything to have a baby with Jax. I just don't want to have a baby in a danger zone"

Lyla hugs her friend and sister in law, "Jax won't let anything harm you, Abel and his possible unborn baby. I swear that to you."

Corrie nods and checks her watch. "Five minutes is up. Will you look, I can't"

Lyla laughs, "Alright. I'll check."

Lyla grabs the stick off the floor and grins at the artist. "Well, congratulations Cor. You're going to be a mom. You are pregnant"

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