Chapter 95 :-)

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An enraging Jax drives off to Diosa.

His mind is clouded, he's not thinking clearly right now and it shows to anyone watching him.

He's about to fuck up his marriage – the trust Corrie has in him but Jax doesn't care. He's pissed off; sad and feeling completely useless.

A dangerous combination.

"Jackson" Collette Jane, a vivacious blonde smirks at him.

She's wearing her signature tight black jeans and a leather vest. "How can I help you honey?"

"I need you" She smirks as she grabs his hand to lead him to the bedroom.

Jax forgets all about his wife, her possible cancer and his club problems as the blonde takes off her clothes.


Corrie meets with Bobby and Tig at the old club house, the building has been restored after the explosion and is now being decorated.

Corrie hasn't heard a peep from Gemma since the last time, she expects a war brewing in the ex-queen's head but for now Corrie is enjoying the calm.

"No way you're painting with that pretty baby baking in you" Tig says as he grabs the brush out of Corrie's hand.

Abel is playing outside with Chucky and the pregnant blonde is bored out of her mind.

"Ugh, fine, just give me something to do. I'm bored"

"You can sit outside and drink a nice cup of decaf coffee" Tig smirks at the roll of green eyes at his suggestion.

"You can put the pictures up on the walls" Bobby suggests.

Corrie beams, "I'll do that."She grabs the black bag filled with posters and mug shots out of Tiggy's hand and starts putting it up where they want it.

Halfway in Corrie gets a call from the hospital. She immediately answers the call mouthing to the boys that it's the hospital.

They shut everyone up in the club house.

"This is Corrie"

"Good afternoon Corrie, it's Betsy. I asked to deliver the good news to you. Congratulations mommy, you're cancer-free"

The phone almost falls out of her grip as her legs buckle. Tig holds her steady as tears fall down her face, "I'm not sick?"

"You're not sick baby. You don't have cancer."

"Thank you" she gasps and hangs up after the nurse says goodbye.

Corrie hangs up and beams at the guys, "I'm cancer-free"As everyone cheer out loudly Corrie can't help but wonder where her husband is and it's Phil that notices.

"I'll go get Jax Cor, I'm so happy you're okay" the big man kisses her cheek as she smiles in appreciation.

 Corrie gets tackled in hugs by the men."I knew you were okay!" Chibs yells out, "Our lass ain't leaving us so soon!"


Phil opens the door to the room where Jax and Colette were in.

He glares at the pair.

"Jax, Corrie got a call to the hospital. She wants to see you"

The president wordlessly pushes the blonde off of him.

"Not a word of this to Corrie" he warns the bigger man.

Phil nods, "When did you become Clay?"

With that the recently patched in biker leaves the whore house, leaving Jax to ponder over his words.

The president, now fully dressed, drives off to the club house where Corrie was still being congratulated by the family.

She's currently hugging Abel tightly.

He gets off his bike and walks over to her. "What did the doc say?"

She smells the cheap perfume from a mile away as her green orbs rake over his body.

The lipstick marks on his neck and the crinkled clothes give him away.

"Mass came back clear, I don't have cancer"Jax grins, he walks closer to her to hug her but she holds up a hand, "don't. Abe, let's go get ice cream"She pulls the little boy away without sparing another glance at Jax.

He swallows hard, he's in deep fucking shit.


Bobby waits for Jax at the bar after Corrie left with Abel. "You fucked up. How stupid are you to cheat on the only girl you have ever loved and then come to her still reeking like the whore?"

"I was angry, I was fucking upset. I didn't know who else to turn to"Bobby punches an unexpected Jax in the jaw, "You didn't know who else to turn to? You turn to your wife Jax, who needed you more than you needed her at that moment. You might have thought you'd lose her to cancer, but she thought she'd have to live with cancer. She had it worse yet she kept your stupid fucking head above water and you repaid it to her by sleeping with a whore house hooker?"

"What I do with my wife or any other girl is none of your business"

"It is. She lost her family but I'd be damned if I don't take care of her like Opie and Piney did."

Jax scowls but wordlessly walks off to find his wife, he'll have to pull his head out of his ass if he wants her to stay.

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