Chapter 51

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The loud obsessive knocking on the door wakes Jax up from his slumber. He groans and checks the alarm clock, it's 5:44 am.

He looks at Corrie sleeping with her back towards him and kisses her cheek. She can sleep through anything.

He gets out of bed and grabs the gun in his drawer without giving a shit that he's only wearing boxers.

He walks through the hall and loads the gun

"Jax, it's me, Nero"

He opens the door with a scowl, "Do you know what time it is bro?"

"Sorry" The Spaniard mutters, "We have a problem"

Nero sighs, "It's about that school shooting yesterday."

"What happened?"

"That boy who killed those kids yesterday, he belonged to my cousin's old lady. He used a KG9"


Jax's body went rigid with that knowledge, this cannot be happening again. He will not go down for this; he can't do that to his family and to himself. His club will not suffer from the foolishness of Nero's cousin.

"What did she tell the cops?" Jax asks after a moment of silence.

"She hasn't, not yet. She's not all too well" He points to a vein on his arm, referring to her shooting up drugs.

"We have to get her lost. Gemma said you might be able to help with that. Maybe you can get her to one of your other charters

"Where's she now?"

"At her house, my boys are with her. Stockton PD's staying close though."

Jax sighs exasperated, he knew not pulling out of the gun business like he wanted would eventually bite him in the fucking ass, "Alright we've got a cabin up at Pine Grove, I'll get her there and then make some calls"

"I appreciate that mano. I'll let her know"

"Don't call her house" Jax warns the older man, "They probably got it tapped"


Nero eventually leaves. Jax stares at the now-closed door and in a fit of rage punches the wood. He stares at his bloody knuckle and curse softly under his breath.

Corrie will absolutely kill him if he goes to prison again, especially so soon after his last stint.

He retreats back to his bedroom where Corrie is now barely awake. She lifts her head when she sees his bloody knuckles.

"What happened? Baby, wash the blood off." She's now suddenly wide awake. Quickly hopping out of bed and jogging into the bathroom, she wets a rag and walks back into the bedroom. Jax has not yet said a word since he sat down on the bed.

Corrie gently grabs his hand and wipes off the blood; she disinfects the bruises and then wraps his hand in gauze.

"I don't need all the medical shit Cor"

"Yeah well, I don't need a fiancé with an infected hand. Want to tell me what happened?"

"I will when the shit is handled"

Corrie accepts it and sits down next to him. She lies her head down on his shoulder; kisses his bruised knuckles all while stroking his naked back.

"I can live with that"

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