Chapter 17: Podd, Earth, Newwie

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A/N: The image above does not belong to me. It belongs to the person who uploaded it on the internet.

Also, from now on, to avoid confusing my readers, I will be indicating at the start of the chapter if it is a continuation of a previous chapter and I will be placing the chapter number of the previous chapter so that it's easy for the reader to go back to that chapter to refresh their memory. I hope this helps in any way to avoid possible confusion.

This chapter is a continuation of Chapter 13.

Oops, I almost forgot to add, if you're below 18, please skip this chapter. There will be some mature content here, sorry.

Podd's POV

I knew that it wasn't just the alcohol that had made me grab him and kiss him.

Even as we were in the process of getting to know each other, I knew that I was falling under the spell of Earth's gorgeous face.

For a second, I thought that he was going to resist me.

When I felt him kissing me back, I took advantage of the situation right away.

"My cabin or yours?" I whispered, my heart in my throat

"It doesn't matter," he replied, "our cabins are right across from each other."

"My cabin it will be then," I decided.

After Earth paid for the drinks, I told him that next time the tab would be on me.

"How do you know that there will be a next time?" he teased.

 I grabbed him again and planted a hard kiss on his lips in retaliation.

We didn't waste much time when we reached my cabin.

We removed each other's shirts and pants even as we continued to kiss.

When we were down to our briefs, I laid him down gently on to my bed.

His eyes were already closed even before my lips descended on his.

I pushed his lips apart to allow my tongue to explore the inside of his mouth.

His tongue played with mine as our kiss continued.

I started to caress his chest as I broke the kiss and pressed my warm moist mouth on the side of his neck.

A soft moan escaped his lips as I rubbed one of his nipples with the palm of my hand in a circular motion.

I enclosed his other nipple with my mouth. The action elicited a louder moan from him.

I started to trail kisses down his chest and lower down his abdomen.

I dipped my hot moist tongue into the shallow hole of his navel.

"Uhh..." I heard him say as he jerked his chest forward.

I noticed that his hardened member was already straining against the fabric of his briefs.

I pulled the waistband of his briefs down and gently took it out caressing the tip with my thumb.

"Uhh... uhh..." he was moaning again.

I felt a few droplets escape from the tip of his excited manhood.

I used the droplets to moisten the tip in a circular motion with my thumb.

His moans were getting louder now.

I enveloped his whole length with my mouth and moved slowly up and down at first, while caressing the base.

I felt him grip the back of my head, digging into my scalp, as I increased the tempo.

"Uhh... uhh... uhh... uhh... uhh... aaahhh... aaahhh... aaahhh... aaahhh... aaaaaahhhhhh...... AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH ........."

All his juices spurted into my mouth. I didn't mind that I accidentally swallowed some of it.

"I would like to go all the way tonight, but I don't have any lubricants with me," I said, "and I feel eeky about using spit to moisten your entrance. I wouldn't recommend using moisturizing lotion either because it tends to irritate the sensitive skin there with constant friction."

"Let me give you back the pleasure that you gave me tonight," he said, and without any warning, he flipped me over so that I was lying on my back and he was hovering over me.

I felt his mouth going for my hardened member right away.

No foreplay. He just pushed down my briefs and started sucking on me.

The sensation was heavenly.

"Oh god, oh god, oh god......" I moaned over and over.

I felt him go faster and faster and faster.

I knew that any minute I was going to explode and I did.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh...... ! ! !"

We collapsed in each other's arms, with him laying one side of his face on my chest.

We probably would have stayed that way a while longer if I had not heard a notification sound from my phone.

Someone was texting me.

"Excuse me," I whispered to Earth as I shifted my position and then got off the bed and walked over to where I had dropped my pants on the floor.

I took out my phone from my pocket.

It was Newwie.

"Meet you at the Breakfast Room tomorrow at eight?" his text said.

"Eight it is," I texted back.

"Who was it?" Earth asked. He was already putting his shirt back on.

"It's someone I met earlier just before I met you," I replied.

"Are you meeting him tonight?" Earth wanted to know.

I wanted to tell him that he was asking too many questions, but I held my tongue.

"No," I said and did not offer any further information.

"Will I see you again tomorrow?" Earth asked as he zipped up his pants and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Sure," I said, "are you an early riser?"

He smiled.

"I'm afraid not," he replied.

How convenient for me, I thought.

"Well, text me or call me when you wake up," I said.

"I definitely will," he promised.

We kissed long and hard once more before he stepped out of my cabin.

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