Chapter 9: Podd, Newwie, Earth

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A/N: The image above does not belong to me. It belongs to the person who uploaded it on the internet.

For those who don't know him, his name is Poss Plapodd Suphakorn. He played the role of Sun in Kiss Me Again.

Also, I would like to credit Giapohonjati for suggesting to add Podd to this story. As the story unfolds, the readers will see why we needed to bring him in to this story. Giapohonjati, thank you so much for sharing your ideas and knowledge. You saved me a lot of headache, believe me. Much love, Anne of Whitley Bay

Podd's POV

Why did I have the feeling the moment that I boarded this cruise ship that I was going to meet someone who would have a great impact on my life?

My life so far has been one big boring Non-Life.

I signed on to this vacation in the hope that something exciting would finally happen in my life.

I was lugging my small suitcase along the corridor leading to my cabin.

I have always been a light traveler. I never carry more than the essentials with me. That way I can move freely, unhampered by large or heavy luggage.

On the contrary the guy ahead of me seemed to be having difficulty with all his stuff along the corridor. He was moving so slow and because he was ahead of me, he was slowing me down.

He was trying to pull a heavy suitcase with one hand, and holding a carryall with another while balancing a duffel bag across his shoulder. He was trying to do a balancing act with the duffel bag's strap sliding down his shoulder every few seconds.

After watching him agonizingly with his problematic duffel bag, I made up my mind to interfere.

"Excuse me, can I help you with your stuff?" I asked him and he turned around to look at me.

"I swear you can trust me not to run off with your stuff," I said, "I only have one small suitcase to take care of. I can help you with either your duffel bag or your carry all."

He smiled gratefully at me.

"Thank you," he said, letting the problematic duffel bag slide off his shoulder and handing it to me.

"What's your cabin number?" I asked.

"333" he replied.

"We're only on 323," I said, glancing at the cabin right beside me, "we still have several more cabins to go."

"I'm sorry," he said, "if it's going to be a hassle for you, I can always take back my duffel bag."

"Oh no, no, no," I assured him, "just let me stop by my cabin which is along the way, to drop off my suitcase, and then I will proceed to your cabin with you."

When we passed by cabin 327, I stopped and took out my key and unlocked my cabin door.

I quickly slid in my suitcase and closed the door and locked it before picking up my co-passenger's duffel bag.

Finally we reached cabin 333.

"Thank you so much for your kind assistance," said the other guy as I handed him back his duffel bag.

I decided to introduce myself.

"My name is Podd," I said, holding out my hand to him.

He took it, saying, "And my name is New, but my close friends like to call me Newwie."

"I know that we just met, but is it alright if I call you Newwie as well?" I asked, "I like the sound of it."

"Sure, no problem," he said with a smile.

He had a very attractive smile.

Was he the one who would give me the excitement that I was looking for on this trip?

"By the way," he said, just as I was turning to walk back to my cabin, "would you like to exchange numbers?"

"Why not?" I said with a big smile, handing him my phone, "just key in your number and I will call you."

After he handed me back my phone, I rang the number that he keyed into it.

His phone started ringing and he fished it out of his pocket.

"Podd is your name, right?" he asked as he started placing me into his list of contacts.

"Yes," I confirmed, while I added his name to my contacts as well.

"You wanna have breakfast with me tomorrow?" he asked.

"Sure," I replied, "just text me when you wake up so that I can start getting ready."

"Sounds like a plan," he said, smiling broadly at me again before letting himself into his cabin.

"Good night, Newwie," I said, "see you in the morning."

"Good night, Podd," he replied, "I look forward to tomorrow."

As I walked back down the corridor, I saw a stranger trying to get into my cabin.

"Hey!!!" I yelled at him, breaking into a run, "what do you think you're doing???"

"Getting into my cabin," he replied, wide eyed, "what's your problem?"

"My problem is that, it's my cabin that you're trying to get into," I said, ready to get into a fight, except when I looked at the stranger's face, oh shit, he was very, very, very good looking.

The stranger looked up at the number on the door and then took out his key from the lock, looking at the number tag attached to it.

"326" the tag read.

"Oh shit," he muttered under his breath, "my mistake, sorry. No wonder my key couldn't open the door. My cabin is right across from yours."

"Yes it is," I agreed, stating the obvious.

"I'm sorry to get you into a panic," he said, "burglary is not my profession."

"I hope not," I said with a laugh.

"Hey," he said, turning away from his cabin door to face me, "how about I treat you to a drink after we get ourselves settled in our individual cabins. My way of saying sorry. I'm sure the bar is still open."

I glanced at my watch.

"Yes, I think so too," I said, smiling at him, "I never say no to free drinks."

"It's settled then," he said, "by the way, my name is Earth, what's yours."

"I'm Podd," I said, extending my hand.

He took it.

"Nice to meet you, Podd, I'm sorry that it was under not so pleasant circumstances."

"I've forgotten it already," I assured him, "I'm looking forward to pleasant circumstances only from now on."

"Let's shake on it," he said.

Once more, we shook hands.

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