Chapter 91: Life on the Island 8

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For those who do not remember Pak please refer to chapters 64 and 66

Pak's POV

There had been moments in my life when I actually thought that life was not worth living, but when I awakened on the shore, even though I was wet and shivering, I was so thankful to have survived the disaster. I actually knelt on the sand, facing the east where the horizon was starting to change into a pale pink, bent down and touched my forehead to the sand, to silently express my gratitude to the universe for sparing my life.

My first thought after I raised my head from the sand was, did my nong Gun survive the disaster? Could he be here somewhere in the crowd of survivors?

My first thought after I raised my head from the sand was, did my nong Gun survive the disaster? Could he be here somewhere in the crowd of survivors?

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A/N: The image above does not belong to me. It belongs to the person who uploaded it on the internet.

I looked around me, studying every face to see if I could find him anywhere but no such luck.

I noticed that, in the far distance, there was a makeshift shelter that had been constructed by some able bodied survivors, or probably by the cruise ship staff.

I decided to make my way over there to inquire if anybody had seen Gun.

I was determined to prove my sincerity and that my love for him had never wavered through the years.

I struggled to get up. I realized that my lower back was experiencing some pain. I must have bumped it on some hard surface during the chaos or I could have lost my consciousness in a very uncomfortable position.

After a slow and painful walk, I reached the makeshift shelter. There was a line of survivors waiting to be handed some kind of food that was wrapped in plastic. I couldn't make out exactly what it was. It could have been a bun or a biscuit. Something of that sort.

The guy at the end of the line turned to look at me when I approached.

"Hey," he said with a sad smile, "what do you think are the chances that we will be rescued from here very soon?"

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