Oldest Trick in the Book

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Lena had decided to stay home to work on one of her projects. She had everything she needed in her lab at home and there really was no reason for her to head to the office. Lena had relaxed a little on her work schedule since she was pregnant and didn't want to cause herself any stress with her work.

This is why she was still sleeping when you woke up. Usually it was her waking up early and leaving before you even woke up but the roles had switched. You kissed her cheek and smiled as she mumbled and gently pushed you. Mumbling something about letting her sleep.

After washing up and changing to your work clothes, you headed to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for Leon. That's when you suddenly heard Leon calling you to his room. You had at first ignored it but couldn't after he started yelling. Lena could not be woken up and he knew exactly what he was doing.

"Leon, can I ask what was so important that you couldn't come to the kitchen to tell me what you wanted."

He pulls out torn pages and tried to look upset about them but you just knew he was faking it.

"What's that?"

"It's my homework. Krypto, tore it up and I can't go to class like this mom. They'll call mum and tell her that I didn't really do my homework."

"Leon, do you really expect for me to believe that? I used that excuse so many times that I know it's fake. Krypto doesn't even touch anything that isn't his."

"But mooom, I can't go to school like this."

He just knew that if he kept being louder about it that I would eventually give in as Lena was still sleeping and you didn't want her to wake up.

"Fine but you're hiding when your mum comes out to work on her things. I'm not covering for you."

He gives you a hug and you head out to go to work.

An hour later and Lena gives you a call.

"Mind explaining to me why I got a call from Leon's school telling me that he was absent."

Looks like neither of you were sneaky enough as Lena always knew about everything.

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