Is Mom Okay?

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Prompt by: Janafo28

Your morning had been a complete disaster. You had woken up late, skipped out on breakfast and then on top of all that you had gotten into a car crash. It wasn't as fatal as everyone made it out to be but because of your public status as Lena Luthor's wife and CEO of Grady INC, every single news station had a story about the accident.

You had been at a stop sign and the driver behind you had managed to lose control and hit you from the back. Your car had ended up being pushed to a tree but thanks to Lena's car improvements, you had only suffered minor injuries. The EMT wanted to make sure that nothing was wrong so they transported you to the hospital.

Lena had been in a meeting when Jess barged in to tell her what had happened. Worried about her wife, Lena rushed out of the building and headed out to pick up Leon before heading to the hospital.

"Are we going to catch up on my vaccines, mum?"

Lena parked the car and turned to face Leon.

"Sweetie, I'm not sure if you heard or if anyone told you but your mom got into a car crash. The hospital called to let me know where she was but that was it."

Leon's eyes start to water as he starts to imagine all kinds of scenarios.

"Is mom okay? Is it bad?"

Lena tries her best to pull him in for a hug.

"She's going to be okay. I won't let anything happen to your mom. You know how protective I am about the two of you. We're going home as soon as possible, okay?"

He nods, feeling a little better.

"Good. Now come on. We should go in. We both know how much your mom hates hospitals and no doubt she is dying to get out."

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