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Prompt by: Janafo28

It's Sunday, meaning that it was someone's turn to pick what everyone would be eating. It just so happened that it was Lauren's turn and she had been craving McDonald's. Lena would hardly let anyone eat there, saying that it wasn't healthy. However, since it was up to the person to pick dinner, she couldn't say much. All she could do was silently protest.

You're ordering at the drive-thru when Lauren suddenly starts to sing. It usually means that she's quite excited for something. Most of the time, you would sing along but not this time.

"Old McDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-OOO"

"Lauren, honey. I can't hear. Can you wait a second."

Leon, wanting to mess with you, joins in.

"And on his farm, he had a dog..."

There's no way you can listen to the woman taking you order so you tell her to give you a second. You turn to face the two of them with a glare.

"If you don't stop singing that song, I will not order anythi...."

Happy to hear a way to not get McDonald's, Lena quietly joins in.



Both Leon and Lauren whine. Now they weren't going to get their McDonald's.

Family - Reader/Lena LuthorWhere stories live. Discover now