Jelly Jar

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It was a particular though week for the two of you. Lena had been staying late at her office for the past couple of days and you just couldn't get away as well. It was even worse due to the fact that both of your apartments were on the opposite sides of town that neither of you had the time to visit the other. It sucked in the morning as well in the nights because both of you just wanted to hold each other. 

You had just gotten into bed when you got a call from Lena. You found it strange considering that  she only message you a quick goodnight in case you were asleep so you quickly answered.


You heard her sniff a couple of times and then some shuffling.

"I broke my jelly jar."

You could clearly hear how she was trying so hard to hold back her tears.

"Oh no, sweetheart. Do you want me to come over with a new one?"

"No, no. I don't even know why I called you. It's late."

You had a vague idea of why she did but didn't say anything. You would have done the same.

"I'll be over in 20 minutes with a new jar."

"Thank you. I love you, (y/n)"

"I love you too"

As promised, you arrived to her apartment to find that everything had been cleaned up, the only light shining through was the one from her room.


"In here!"

You took the jar with you to her room, finding her already in bed with enough space for you that you had to hold on to Lena so you wouldn't fall.

"Lena, was the jelly jar even broken?"

She bit her lip and shook her head.

"No. I just wanted you to come over. You're not mad?"

You laid down besides her so you could cuddle.

"I could never get mad."

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