I'm going to let you finish

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You were getting bored at Lena's gala. It was already getting late and the crowd was getting smaller. Just another hour longer and then the two of you would be able to go home to Leon and Lauren. 

"Babeee, when are you going to give your speech? The crowd is already heading out and the longer you wait the less people would be here to hear you thank them for coming."

She rolls her eyes and leans in to kiss your cheek. 

"I guess you're right. Let me thank them real quick and then we can head out."

You grinned at her and watched as she made her way to the podium to thank everyone. It's when you suddenly got the brilliant idea of going up with her. There was hardly anyone here and the speech was already finishing. 

"and again th-- (Y/n), what are you doing?"

"I'm really happy to be here babe and I'm going to let you finish real quick but I need to tell this to the world. I'm in love with Lena Luthor and I couldn't ask for a better wife."

Lena just smiled and shook her head. Mouthing to you 'I love you too, you big dork.'

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