Take Me Home, Country Roads

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Prompt by: MachoNachoKennedy

The weeks after you had left your family had been an absolute shit show. You were drunk most of the time, that it made it hard for you to focus on anything. By the time you had finally gotten sober enough to realize what had happened, you broke down again. You wanted to drink again but a message from Lauren stopped you. Yes, Lena had cheated on you but you needed to get over it. She had clearly gotten over you, you needed to get over her too.

To do this, you needed to break all your connections away from Lena, starting with your company. Lena hadn't touched it so she wasn't part owner. Even then, your company still worked with Lena's. You knew if you stayed, it was going to lead to some terrible financial decisions. A lot of people's jobs were at stake so you did the only thing that you knew was right.

Selling your shares and stepping down as CEO from your company was a complete shock to everyone. They had all been there since the beginning. They watched you struggle and build it up all on your own. As you grabbed your things from your office, you could hear them whisper rumors about your but you didn't care. This was for your own good.

After selling your company, you knew that you needed to sell all your assets. Especially the ones that Lena co-owned. To avoid going to trail for everything, you simply asked sold everything under your name. With the things that you co-owned with Lena, you simply sent her an email with all the contracts. You had asked your lawyer to remove you as co-owner, giving Lena full ownership. You had no use for beach houses and stuff like that. Lena had called you after receiving such email but you ignored her calls. There wasn't anything that she could say to change you mind.


You knew that Lena would provide anything for your kids but you didn't want them to think you had just abandoned them. After a quick call to your lawyer, you had remade a new will that had left 80% of your money to Lauren and Leon. They would receive the full amount on their 21st birthday. They would be old enough by then to know how to responsibly have a large amount of money.

After the will was made, you needed to talk to them. Since you didn't want to face Lena again, you waited until she had left for work to talk to Lauren.


She gives you a tight hug after not seeing you for months. It made you sigh in relief as you hugged her back. She didn't hate you and that's all that mattered to you.

The two of you head to the kitchen after hugging for a while at the door.

"I missed you so much, mom! Please come back."

Lauren begged. It broke your hear to see her like this. Before coming over, you had prepared yourself to deal with your emotions but seeing Lauren like this made you want to break down.

"Lauren, honey. I can't come back. I know, it's hard right now but I promise it will get easier."

You hated lying to Lauren but maybe if you kept repeating it to yourself and your kids then maybe things will get easier.

"I don't want to live with mum anymore! I hate her for letting you go!"

You wrap your arms around Lauren as she breaks down once again. Your heart was literally being ripped to pieces as you heard her. Your family was completely broken and you had no idea how to fix any of it. Especially, hearing your child that they hated their other parent. Lena had done some awful things but she didn't deserve to be hated by Lauren. Lena had done everything to provide for them and make sure that they were happy.

"Listen to me, Lauren. Remember what I told you last time?" You wait for her to nod before continuing. "Your mum needs you more than ever. You and Leon are the only people she has left and if you go.. what would you think will happen to her?"

Lauren cries even harder as she starts imagining all the things that could happen to her mum.

"Please Lauren, your mother loves you. I know she has some faults but she tries her best. Promise me that you'll be good."

Lauren promised. She didn't want to but you were right. After the two of you talked some more about what was going to happen, you left. You still needed to talk to Leon and you just had a few hours before your plane left.

"Mom! I didn't think it was actually you calling."

You gave him a small wave as you saw him for the first time in months.

"I'm sorry, Leon. I just needed time for myself. Everything has just be so...hard."

Leon was older than Lauren. Therefore, he knew about everything that you had done. He didn't understand why and he needed to know. He needed to know what had happened to his two loving mothers. What had gone wrong?

"I know, I've been keeping track of everything that you've been doing. Why did you sell your company?"

"It was time for a change."

"That's bullshit mom and you know it. What really happened between you and mum?"

You tried switching to another topic, you gave him some bs answers but he still continued to ask the same question.

"Look, Leon. Your mother and I had been fighting more than ever for the past two years. It was time to move on. You saw how it was impacting Lauren."

"Exactly. You've been having more fights with mum for the past two years and not once did either of you talk about divorce. What happened, mom?"

You rubbed your temples, already feeling a headache coming on.

"Leon, this is none of your concern. What is important is that the three of you are there for each other."

"The three of us? What is going on mom? You're talking as if you're just leaving? What the hell happened?"

You were so exhausted. You knew it was going to backfire but you ended up telling him.

"Lena cheated on you?!"

You sigh and nod.

"Look Leon, it's none of your concern. This is between me and your mother. Your mom has a lot of faults but she loves the two of you so much. Don't let what you learned get in the way of things."

"But she cheated on you, mom. How can you just say that?"

"Because despite everything, I still love her. I still care about her."

The two of you talked some more until eventually you needed to go for your flight. Leon had begged you to stay but you refused. Saying that you needed this. He was reluctant about letting you go but there was nothing he could do. He was already on the other side of the country. AS you hung up, you grabbed your things and drove to the airport.


"Have everything, ma'am?"

The man behind the desk asked as he checked your bags. It made your eyes water as you thought about what you were leaving behind.

"I have everything."

He gives you a smile and motions for you to go in.

You took a deep breath and walked up the stairs. In a few hours, you were going to be on the other side of the world. Away from everything but most importantly, away from Lena.

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