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Prompt by: Janafo28

Lauren finally the same age as Leon when you had both taken him to Disneyworld. As a birthday surprise, you had both decided that it would be nice to surprise her with it so it's what you were currently discussing in Lena's office while Lauren played with her friend.

Lauren rushed in, interrupting your talk with Lena.

"Mommy? Mum? Can-"

You stop and shake your head. You knew where this was heading and before she could trick you again to say yes, you put a stop to it.

"Whatever it is, it's a no."

Lauren pouts and turns to Lena, hoping she would be more lenient.

"You heard your mother, Lauren. It's a no."

Both of you were surprised that instead of crying, Lauren just gives you a smug smile.

"Are you sure?"

Her smile made you both hesitate but both of your answers where final.


Lauren shrugs and runs back outside, where you both hear her yelling.

"Brie!! Mommy and Mum say that we don't have to take the phyton back!"

Both of your eyes widen and the two of you turn pale at what you heard.

"The what!?"

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