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Prompt by: Janafo28

You absolutely hated Lena. You hated tossing that word around but you couldn't help yourself. She was just so goddamn infuriating that often times, you wanted to rip out your hair in frustration after talking to her.

You were a special agent in the CIA that had been tasked with making sure that Lena Luthor was safe. After what her brother did, her life had been more at risk than ever and she was constantly getting death threats and so on that the government had to step in and help her.

However, Lena refused the help. She claimed that she wasn't afraid of anyone or anything and that the wasting the agency's time and resources on her was a waste of tax payer's money.

The CIA agreed to step back officially but you had been tasked to lay low and keep an eye out on her but somehow she had managed to figure out what you were doing. She tried to shake you off but it had become apparent that you weren't going to leave her side so she just ended up 'hiring' you as her bodyguard.

If you could even call it a bodyguard position, she would often times treat you like her personal assistant and it pissed you off entirely.

"You're a complete jackass Lena. I'm here to help keep you safe and yet you just treat me like some dog that you can order around to do your bidding. Maybe it's better you hire someone else."

You were about to grab your things to head out when suddenly 4 armed men rushed inside Lena's office demanding for her to come with them.

Your prayed and hoped that she just listened to them but Lena being Lena refused to listen to their demands. You noticed one of them had moved their finger to the trigger and you just knew he was going to shoot her so you did the only logical thing you could do and blocked his shot with your body before taking down the other three.

The adrenaline had worn off and you fell to the ground as the last man fell.

"Oh fuck. That hurts. That really fucking hurts."

Lena took off her coat and covered the bullet hole that was in your chest.

"Okay, stay with me. The ambulance is on the way and they'll be able to take care of you. Don't you dare close your eyes on me, (y/n)."

"Is that an order, Miss Luthor?"

"You bet it is or I'll have to fire you."

You rolled your eyes at the mentioned of being fired.

"Technically, I quit a couple of minutes ago."

"You didn't turn in a resignation and I didn't accept your verbal quitting."

You couldn't help but laugh, groaning loudly as the pain got worse.

The doors suddenly opened and then you were being surrounded by EMT's that took you the an ambulance and then to a hospital. Lena was with you the entire time, claiming that she was your girlfriend so they could let her in.

You were quickly taken to an operation room to deal with the bullet hole as well as the blood loss.

Lena spent the entire time in the lobby, thinking of all kinds of scenarios until the doctor eventually came out and said you were going to be okay.

Lena rushed to your room to find that you were already awake.

"I would ask how you're feeling but you're probably still a little out of it after the surgery."

"I'm fine. Barely even hurts anymore."

She walked over to your side of your bed, touching lightly the part in your chest that was covered in bandages.

You hissed at the pain and she just laughed.


The doctor knocked to come in and Lena figured that was her queue to leave.

"Ms. Luthor?"

She stopped walking and turned around at her name.


"I'm sorry for calling you a jackass. I was just annoyed you wouldn't take your safety seriously."

It had been the only thing on your mind since you had gotten shot and you wouldn't have been able to live with yourself if that had been the last thing you had ever said to her.

She shrugged and gave you a smile.

"Forget it. It's okay."

"Please. I shouldn't have said that. I was out of line and I'm sorry."

The doctor couldn't help but laugh at the two idiots standing in front of him. Anyone could tell that you and Lena were in love. You were just both too stubborn to realize it. He needed to give the two of you a push.

"Tell you what, Ms. Luthor, if you don't marry this woman. Then I will."

He said before leaving.

The two of you laughed at his words.

"Well Lena, you heard the doctor. I'm a wanted woman so this is your only chance before someone else swoops in. Would you go on a date with me?"

"After you get out of the hospital. I refuse to have my first date with you in this room."


"I really can't believe you called mum a jackass."


"Mom, said it first."

"Yeah but that was a long time ago and she knows better. Right, darling?"

You gave her a smile and kissed her cheek.


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