I Want Chocolate

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Leon had always been a fan of this particular brand of chocolate. They only sold it at this particular store that he hardly ever managed to buy some. However, when he did buy some, he ended up spending his entire weekly allowance in it. 

Just this one time, you figured it would be nice of you to bring him a box of his favorite chocolate. He was doing good and school and so far hadn't broken another of Jamie's windows.

Being a reasonable human, you had thought it was going to last him at least a week. It was too much chocolate and there was just no reason to be eating too much but your son was something else. 

He had managed to eat the entire box of chocolate within three days. 

"Leon! Come in here"

Hearing the tone of your voice, made him not want to go downstairs and see what he had done this time but he had no choice. Reluctantly, he headed to meet you.

"Yes mom?"

"Mind explaining me this?"

He looked down at what you were holding in your hand.

"Um it's a box of chocolate."

"Was a box of chocolate. What happened to it all."

"I ate it."

"Leon! I told you not to eat too many. You know having too much sweets will mess up your teeth. It could even lead you to have diabetes. I'm not going to encourage this behavior again so I'm not letting you get any more of those chocolates. If I see you buying a box with your money, I will stop giving you an allowance."

Leon was sad. They were his favorite chocolate. You left him to deal with a call just as Lena had arrived from work. She took notice of Leon's mood and quickly went over to ask what had happened. 

"It's okay, Leon. Your mom is just a worrier."

Lena watched as Leon quietly headed upstairs. It was apparent that he was really upset about the no chocolate. Lena being Lena began to figure out a way to go around your role so she started making some calls.

A week later, Lena's lawyer had come to visit you at your place on a Saturday. It was strange for him to even come today. Seeing the amount of paperwork in his folder, you figured it had something to do with L-Corp so you led him to Lena's office. 

He was in there for quite a while and once he came out. You decided you could no longer wait.

"So what happened at L-Corp. Anything I should be worried?"

"Nothing at all. Mrs. Luthor, bought a chocolate company for Leon."

Leon had managed to overhear the lawyer and rushed inside Lena's office to hug her. 

You pinched the bridge of your nose to remain calm but once the lawyer left, you figured now was a perfect time to have a chat with your wife.

"Lena! What is this I hear about you being our son a company."

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