Lena's Pregnancy - Part 6.5

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Prompt by: Janafo28

It has been a week of pure hell. Lena had done just about everything to show that she was still annoyed at you for what had happened at SDCC.

The first couple of days, she made you sleep in the garden. After much begging from your part, she ended up tossing Leon's tent out the widow.

She refused to talk to you. Telling Leon to tell you things just so she could avoid you. If the two of you would hang out with your friends, she would involve them and make them communicate for her.

Whenever it was Lena's turn to cook, she would purposely avoid making enough food for you. Only making food that didn't leave leftovers like burgers or even food that you hated.

The one that stung the worst was when she would be passively aggressive with you. She would make comments here and there about you whenever you were around and when you tried to talk to her about them, she just ignored you.

Someone, she had managed to up her game and made it even worse for you when she invited Emily for dinner. You had come home to find the table set up for three and it made you happy to see that she had forgiven you but she stopped you from sitting down and told Leon to tell you that the seat was reserved for someone else. It took everything in you not to slap the shit out of Emily when she gave you a smirk as she sat down.

Despite all the thing she was making you go through, you weren't angry. You realized you had fucked up at SDCC and you needed to fix things.

You went out early in the morning to go to every single store and restaurant that sold her favorite food and items. By the time you had finished, it was already dinner time. You asked Leon to help you take the things into the kitchen.

You took a deep breath in front of your bedroom door and knocked on the door.

"Go away! I'm still mad at you."

"Lena, please. I brought all your favorite food."

"And you think that you can lure me with that, (y/n)?!"

"I can try!"

She didn't say anything after so you just headed back down to the kitchen to see if she would come out.

Minutes later and she stood in from of you, giving you a sheepish smile.

"So maybe I overreacted a bit but you still 100% deserved it."

"I love you too, Lena."

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