Lena's Pregnant - Part 2

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You loved Lena, you truly did but waking up in the middle of the night because she was craving something was the worst. It was always usually dead in the night so it made things difficult to find what she had been craving for. These trips would end up taking an hour long and sometimes you would find her asleep when you got home after getting what she asked for.

It exhausted you but you never said anything. She was carrying your child and you understood it was quite difficult being pregnant so you did things without complaining to her. 

At work, you kept falling asleep for most of your meetings that your employees took pity on you and would just send you a summary of important points of the meeting.

Your sister was also taking notice of the lack of sleep you were getting when you would FaceTime her. You brushed her off and said it was nothing but eventually you caved in. You had to tell someone about Lena's late night cravings.

"I love her (s/n). I really do but I'm exhausted from the late night trips. You know I would do anything for her and I don't want to say anything since she's carrying our child but it's affecting my work. Do you think I should say something?"

You finally looked up to see that your sister was frantically pointing at something in your back. You closed your eyes and turned around to open them and find Lena crossing her arms at you and giving you her signature look.

Your sister hung up and let you deal with Lena.

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"Because you're having cravings and it's not something I should be complaining about. You're carrying out child. The least I could do is make things comfortable for you."

She sighed and sat besides you.

"You should have told me. I would have hired someone to get these things for me if it's affecting your work. Please don't keep things from me. We're in this together."

Lena let her forehead rest against yours and closed her eyes.

"I love you (full name)"

"I love you Lena Kieran (y/l/ln)"

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