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Wanting to have a fun activity to do with your kids, you bought them a galaxy puzzle. You knew how much they loved space and figured they could have fun with it. 

Three of you are almost finished when Lena calls you down for dinner. 

"In a second!"

"Oh no. The food is going to get cold and I'm not going to heat it up for you three."

All of you grumbled as you made your way downstairs. 

As soon as the three of you start to eat, you all start to practically shove the food down your throats to finish quicker. Lena hadn't even taken her first bite when you were halfway through.

"What were you guys doing up there that you can't even chew the food before swallowing."

You swallowed what you had in your mouth before answering. 


Lena waited for you to go further into detail but you just went back to eat. 

The food in your plates are all gone. Wanting to finish the last part of the puzzle, all three of you hurried up to clean your spots and then rushed upstairs to continue, leaving Lena alone in the dining room. 

Lena did not just spend almost an entire hour cooking for them to not clean up the kitchen or not even properly taste the food. 

"(Y/n)! Lauren! Leon! All of you three better get your butts down here and clean up the kitchen or I will mess up your progress."

Your faces all paled at the thought of Lena going through her threat. 

"We're going!"

You yelled so she wouldn't come up.

"Come on. We have to go help your mum."

"But mooom. We're almost done!"

Lauren whined. 

"Do you want your mum to come up here and destroy what we had because if we don't get our butts down there in the next minutes, she will be going through with her promise."

They sighed and followed you downstairs to help Lena. 

"I'm sorry, love. We were just too excited to finish the puzzle."

"Mhm, now go wash the dishes."

She said, knowing you were trying to get out of doing your part. 

Family - Reader/Lena LuthorWhere stories live. Discover now