Try to Stop Her

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Prompt by: Janafo28

You had just gotten home from a week long vacation and all you wanted was a vacation from your vacation. You were exhausted and couldn't wait to lay down on your bed only to realize that the door had been pried open and lots of expensive furniture and electronics had been taken.

"Baby, I think you need to call the police."

You call out to Lena as she's struggling with the luggage.

"Why? What happened?"

She drops what she was holding as she takes in what happened.

"This is just what we needed."

She heads insides and dials the police while mentally writing down what had been taking. You and Leon do the same.

Kara had overhead what happened and followed the patrol car to your house to see if either of you guys needed help.

"Hey, (y/n). I heard what happened. I'm sorry to hear that."

"It's fine. Lena is just pissed off that the company she had hired did not contact the police when this happened."

The two of you turn to face Lena as she's yelling to the two police officers as they tried to explain that there was nothing they could do since they hadn't been called nor did they work for said company.

You felt bad for the officers and decided to step in.

"Lena, calm do--"

"No! Don't you dare even try to stop me or even finish that sentence, (full name)."

You zipped up your lips and headed back to Kara. To where they notice that you hadn't even been gone a full minute.

"What happened mom? Why is she still yelling at them? Are you not going to stop her?"

"Would you!? I rather keep my head, thank you very much."

You pointed to Lena for them to see that she was just seconds away from punching the officers.

"I wouldn't. She scares me."

Kara mumbles after a moment of silence. She was a Kryptonian but she knew not to mess with a pissed off Lena.

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