A Spirit Guest

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Prompt by: Janafo28

It was quite a rare morning when Leon and you were cooking breakfast for everyone. Since it was quite, the two of you were able to hear Lauren whispering to one of her barbies.

"Oh you want a spirit guest? Don't sorry, I'll give you a spirit guest."

It alarmed you and you were panicking but considering she was still a little kid, you didn't tell her anything.

A little while later, when it was just you and her, you could hear her again whisper something

"Just a little more time barbie, then we can get you a spirit guest. We just have to wait until mum gets here so we can start the ritual (tea time)."

It scares the shit out of you and like any other mother wanting to protect her kids, you called an exorcist priest and a psychic. You were not going to let your family be haunted by spirits.

Lena soon arrives to find everyone surrounding Lauren with various items in their hands. Lauren had paid no attention to them as she thought they were all playing.

"Jesus christ!!! What's all this?! What are you doing to my daughter?!"

You and Leon explained to her what had happened throughout the day. When you both finish explaining Lauren finally looks up to find Lena. She smiles and runs to her.

"Mum!! I've been waiting for you the whole day!! Barbie and I want a spirit guest."

You turned to look at Lena with a smug smile. Happy that you were right for once.

"See what I mean!! Lena, our daughter is possessed!"

Lauren just then runs to the fridge.

"Quick! The little demon is running!"

The psychic shouted.

Lauren opens the fridge, only for you to find her reaching for the asparagus.

"Mommy!! A spirit guest!! Yay!!"

"Get out of my house!! Now!! All of you!!"

Lena shouted

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