Too Comfy

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It was during one of the worst days of Winter in National City. Unlike any other years, a snowstorm had hit and no one had been prepared for it. The roads were closed, school was cancelled and everyone had been called off of work. 

It's why you were at Lena's apartment buried under dozens of blankets with Lena laying down besides you.

You had woken up to the freezing apartment and after insisting that you needed a bunch of blankets to warm up, Lena relented and ended up getting them out for you.

The two of you had spent the entire morning in bed with no intention of ever getting out. 

Your stomach had other plans as it starts to growl.

"Babe, are you hungry?'

Lena asked, a little amused that you hadn't said anything. You were telling her that it was important to never skip a meal and yet here you were.

"A little but I'm too warm to move."

She chuckles softly and leans down to kiss the top of your head as she starts to move to get out.

"Wait where are you going?"

"To bring you something to eat."

"Nooo, you're too comfy. Stay."

Lena was too powerless to deny your request.

"But only for another 5 minutes then we're going to get up."


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