Piano, Tuna and A Pot of Glue

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Prompt by: Janafo28

It was another one of those daily nights that you spent the majority thinking of things. This time, you were thinking of this new joke you wanted to tell Lena and you just knew that if you waited until the morning, you would forget the entire joke. So you decided it was worth waking her up over this.


You gently shook her awake but she just turned around, not wanting to be bothered.


You whispered louder, making her groan loudly and turn around as she woke up.

"What is it (y/n)?"

"What's the difference between a piano, a tuna and a pot of glue."

She just stared at you, not believing that you would do this again.

"Seriously!?!?! It's 3AM (Y/n)."

You just kept on insisting.

"But do you know the difference?"

You said with a smug smile.

Lena rolled her eyes and decided to play along. Knowing that you wouldn't let her sleep unless she listed to your joke.

"I don't know."

"You can tuna piano but you can't piano a tuna."

You replied with a chuckle.

Lena furrows her eyebrows as she heard your joke.

"And the glue?"

"Well....I knew you would get stuck on there."

You giggled.

Lena grabbed her pillow, smacking you with it.

"Wake me up again with your jokes and I swear I'll file for divorce"

You just smiled and kissed her cheek knowing her threat was just because you woke her up. It was like poking a bear with a stick if you woke her up with no emergency.

"I love you too."

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