The Most Useful of All

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Prompt by: Janafo28


You and Lena were at the DEO trying out some new equipment that Lena had invented for you and Alex to keep you better protected. J'onn was suddenly calling everyone to the command center and both of you reluctantly stepped away from her lab to see what he needed.

"Do we have to go? Maybe we can skip out and try to raid the cafeteria before Kara does."

"We do, babe. Don't you dare try to sneak out because I will known."

You pouted and followed her to the center where it was already filled by everyone.

J'onn introduced some woman named Colonel named Haley but you couldn't care less. All you wanted was to head back to Lena's lab to continue trying out some new inventions as well as sneak in some kisses.

You were pulled out of your thoughts when your name was suddenly called and Lena was soon dragging you to a meeting room.

"Alright. I'll be in charge of the team to deal with the rise in alien activity. I've been given full authorization to use whatever is necessary to deal with the threats. I'll need you all to list your skills and abilities. Starting by you."

She pointed to J'onn while she looked down to begin writing on her notes.

"Mind control and intangibility."

"Brute force and hand to hand combat." Alex answered as Colonel went down the line.

Kara couldn't believe the she had to answer as well when the Colonel looked at her for her to go next. Everyone knew her powers. With one look from Lena and she answered.

"Superhuman strength, speed, x-ray vision, freeze breath, heat vision, and super hearing."

"Exceptional spy skills and advanced stealth."

You added.

Lena didn't see a reason to list off anything so she had been working on a new prototype on her iPad.

"Babe, your turn."

You whispered to her when Haley looked like she was seconds from writing Lena up.

"Oh! I make really good life decisions."

Col. Haley was not satisfied with the answer. Lena clearly had to add something else to the team or why was she even here.

"There really must be some oth-"

J'onn interrupted her, knowing that Haley would continue to press for an answer despite Lena being clear with her.

"Believe me, Colonel Haley, she is the most important member in the team."

Colonel got to see that in action when Lena single handedly saved half your team from being blow up by a bomb with just some wire cutters.

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