Holding Hands

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Your relationship with Lena was fairly new. You were still shy around her and quite nervous that Lena would always be the one to initiate things. She tried to get you to start as well but eventually figured that you would get more comfortable on your own. She didn't want to put any pressure on you so she just patiently waited for you.

Lena was clearly trying to test out how long you would wait before actually trying to do something. She had basically stopped initiating anything to give you a slight push and she could tell you were close to cracking.

It was quite ridiculous to even use excuses to hold her hand but you knew that you could never do it without one. 

So every time you would go out, you made a different excuse. 

"I've been reading things about palm readers, could I see your hand to tell your your future?"

"Your hands look cold, maybe I could warm them up for you."

"I loved what you did to your nails, could I see your hands to get a better look.

"Is that a new bracelet, let me see it."

"I think your hands are smaller than mine, lets compare."

Lena caught on by the second excuse about what you were doing. It amused her to see what excuses you would come up with each time but she just wished you would hold it without any.

"You know, you can just hold my hand if you want to. You don't need an excuse every time."

You blushed brightly after realizing that you had been caught. 

"I know I know. I just get nervous."

Lena takes your hand and kisses the top of it. 

"It'll get easier overtime."

And Lena was right, as time went on. Holding her hand, hugging her and kissing her eventually became easier. You weren't feeling quite as nervous. You still had butterflies in your stomach but you knew those would never go away.

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