The F Did You Just Say?

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Prompt by: Janafo28

Kimberly had enough. She was in love with you and couldn't stand another second being without you. She was ready to risk it all, including dealing with your crazy wife. She loved you and there was no one in the world that was going to stop her from what she was going to do.

After knowing you for several months, Kimberly knew both your schedule and Lena's. She would always come around whenever Lena wasn't around so as usual, she went to your house when Lena was still at the office.

Lauren had rushed to open the door before you could even do so.

"Lauren, honey, I told you not to open the door to strangers... Oh Kimberly..."

Kimberly smiled and took a deep breath to deal with her nerves.

"Look, I know this is crazy but I'm in love with you. I love you and I can't stand being another second without you."

Lena had been working on some new prototype in the garage, giving her the ability to hear everything that Kimberly said. Lauren's eyes widen when she spots her mum, already knowing that this wasn't going to end well.

"The fuck did you just say to my wife?!"

Kimberly turns around in time to meet Lena's fist. Knocking her out on the first punch.

"Holy shit, did you just do that?!"

Lauren asks Lena. Amazed that her composed mum would even do that.

All you can do is stare, feeling a bit turned on about what had happened.

"Language and I did. She deserved it. I have no regrets. Only that I did it..."

You stopped her from talking as you pulled her in for a kiss.

"That was so fucking hot."

Family - Reader/Lena LuthorWhere stories live. Discover now