Dramatic AF

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Prompt by: Janafo28

The flu had been going around your friend group. First, Alex had gotten it, then it was Kelly, soon followed by James and finally Lena. You had begged her to get the flu shot after Alex hadn't gotten it but Lena was still deathly afraid of needles. In her own words, she would rather get shot, than get stabbed by a needle.

It's why the two of you were in the bed on a Tuesday morning rather than at work. You had called in and made Lena call Jess to cancel her meetings. Lena had wanted to go in but you forced her to stay in bed. Telling her that there was no need for her to get her employees sick.

The two of you were simply just watching tv to let Lena rest. Which was practically impossible as she was sneezing more often than earlier. Her sneezes were now background noise so you didn't really hear them when she would sneeze. It's how you didn't bless her the last time she had sneezed.

Lena didn't say anything either as she quickly typed on her phone, taking a screenshot and then typing some more. A few seconds later, your phone beeped loudly as a sign that you received a notification. You reached over for your phone and opened up the message she had sent you.

Do you say 'bless you' when someone sneezes?

Why do we say 'bless you' when someone sneezes?

Is it rude to not say 'bless you' when someone sneezes?

- It certainly makes it seem like you don't give a damn about the person who sneezed so if you truly did care about them, maybe have the decency to tell them 'bless you' to that person/"

You rolled your eyes after reading everything she had searched for and then turned around to face Lena, only to find her glaring at you.

"Oh come on?! Really Lena?! What a dramatic fuck. I just missed it once!"

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