If We Had Mum

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Prompt by: Janafo28

Currently, Cast Away was playing on the TV. Leon was back from school for the break and had been spending the day with you watching TV and debating about things that the two of you watched in the movie.

"If we were stranded on an island, we'll more than likely die, but if we had mum.."

To stop him from talking, you held up your hand and shook your head.

"If we had your mum, she'd probably yell at us for everything until we'd go crazy and die from that."

Lena was passing by the living room with Lauren when she heard your comment.

"Well my dear wife and son, if you had me, I'd yell at you for being stupid in the first place and getting us stranded. Then I'd go hoarse from all the yelling and die from that. Then! The two of you will die from doing whatever stupid thing you would do."

Leon and you had nothing to say as Lena was right as always.

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