More Chances of Winning

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Prompt by: MachoNachoKennedy

For the past month, employees at L-Corp have been hearing yelling matches between you and Lena. It was impossible to avoid listening in because the two of you were so loud. The tiniest of things set the two of you off and there was no end in sigh. You had wanted to quit the first week but a a contract had been drawn up. You could lose your company if you didn't complete your half of the deal so you sucked it up and deal with the constant yelling from Lena.

The light at the end of your tunnel was the fact that you were around your kids now. You didn't have to call them every other night to see how they were doing and it made it easier to deal with your issues at work.


It's finally the end of the week, you had been looking forward to it since Monday when both Leon and Lauren had asked for you to join them for dinner. All you could hope was that Lena didn't go around and ruin your Friday.

As usual, you were running late. You had arrived just in time to stop the elevator from completely closing. When you walked in, you ended up realizing that Lena and Emily were in it as well.

"Fucking hell."

You mumbled as you saw them. They didn't say anything as they stared at you. You weren't sure why until you took notice that a floor button hadn't been pressed. Your hands are full and it was impossible for you to press anything.

"30th, please."

Lena tells you. Even if you did wanted to press the button, you couldn't.

"The boss says 30th floor."

Emily tells you again when she sees that you haven't pressed anything.

It annoyed you to no end that they saw that both of your hands were full and didn't bother to just press the stupid button they wanted.

"Why don't you do it yourself? Don't you have hands?!"

You snapped at them.

Lena just raises her eyebrow at you, making you sigh in annoyance. Neither of them were going to help you. You didn't say anything as you struggled to reach the correct floor. It's not until you're able to do so when you felt like being petty. Before stepping back, you pressed as many buttons as you could. Not caring that you were going to be stuck with them for a couple of more floors.

"Why don't you press 28th as well! Gives you more chances of winning."

Emily tells you sarcastically. You give her a grin and reach over to press it. She was clearly annoyed and it made you smile. When you turned to Lena, hoping to see an annoyed expression, you found her to be smiling. She had secretly thought it was funny.


After the whole elevator thing, the two of you are in a meeting with Sam to discuss L-Corp's proposal to Mr. Tanaka. He ended up just listening in for a couple of minutes before interrupting and saying that he wanted for the presentation to be done in person. You were planning on saying yes but hesitated when he demanded for you to come to Japan with Lena. You tried telling him that you would be fine presenting it on your own but he refused. Saying that he wanted to see how well the two of you worked together. It's not until he hangs up that you tell Sam and Lena that you could handle the meeting alone.

"While I'm confident that you can handle presenting it on your own, Mr. Tanaka, requested for us to go to Japan together. Put your feelings aside and deal with the fact that I'm coming too."

You muttered something under your breath and nodded.

"Good, now go book our flight."

"Excuse me? As far as I'm concerned. I'm not your secretary, Ms. Luthor. Besides, you have a private jet. So go ahead and just use it and I'll book my flight to Japan."

"And I believe that I gave you an order to book our flight to Japan. Did you forget that I'm your boss?"

You clenched your fists, stopping yourself from exploding. You hated when she pulled the boss card. It made your furious but you didn't say anything. It was happening all over again, you had thought you were done doing her bidding. You looked to Sam, hoping she would help you out but she couldn't even meet your eyes.

"Of course, Ms. Luthor. Anything for the boss."

You tell her. Lena smiles and grabs her things.

"Good, I expect for you to update me when it's done."

You hated how she had turned things on you. Agreeing to this contract had been a mistake.

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