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Prompt by: Janafo28

You and Leon were both outside making some smores that the two of you had been craving since halloween. You had invited Lena but she insisted on staying inside as she had some work to finish up.

"You know Leon, I've never heard someone say Peek-A-Boo in a non-threatning way."

You told him as you remembered being scared by lil kids in costumes during Halloween. Lena would constantly tease you about it despite telling her that it was quite scary.

"I'm sure someone had said it non-threatning way. You just get scared easily."

"I do not!"

"You do mom. Just ask mum. I'm sure she'll be happy to remind you."

"Shut up! If you find a way to say it non-threatning to someone then I'll buy you whatever you want."

"Deal. Easiest bet ever.

The two of you later headed inside after cleaning up and you had forgotten all about the bet.

You were quietly working on a project proposal when Lena suddenly comes into your office.

"Love, why is Leon angrily screaming Peek-A-Boo at Lauren?!"

Family - Reader/Lena LuthorWhere stories live. Discover now