Cream Pie

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Lena had been teasing you all morning. She had wanted revenge for the time that you had teased her all throughout the gala that she had last hosted. As much as it was torture for you, it was torture for her too. Not one to take the easy way out, Lena continued to tease you. 

That same evening, everyone had decided to come over to discuss the party they were going to plan for J'onn. 

"So what about dessert? What should we get J'onn?'

Kara asked around.

"What about some cream pies?" Lena answers. "(y/n), gave me the most delicious cream pie that I've ever gotten and it made me feel so full."

You immediately go red at Lena's answer. She was purpose doing this. 

"Nope. We're leaving!"

Alex grabs Kara and drags her out of the house. The two of you can hear Kara question Alex about what was so wrong about 'cream pies' and that she wanted some too.

Lauren and Leon left as soon as the word cream came out of their mother's mouth. They were already old enough to understand the double meaning of things. 

"You're paying for our therapy, mum!"

They yell as they rush upstairs. 

Lena smirks and turns to face you. 

"I'd really like some of that cream pie."

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