Hello Love! Goodbye

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Prompt by: MachoNachoKennedy

You had been staying at a hotel after signing the papers. Despite wanting to shield Lauren from everything, it had become impossible to do so. As far as Lauren knew, you were on a quick business trip.

Lena had been texting you that the two of you needed to tell the kids. You didn't want to but you knew it had to be done. You asked for her to tell Leon to come home and when his plane arrived, you would finally come over. You couldn't be under the same roof as Lena, not anymore. The two of you shared so many good memories at home and now they were tainted.


Lena had called you that Leon was finally home. It took you almost an hour to get ready and head home. You wanted to just pack up your things and go but you loved your kids too much to do that to them. With a sigh, you knocked on the door.

Lauren opens the door and you can't help but smile, you missed your baby girl.

"Mom! You're home! I didn't think it was going to be so quick. Guess what?! Leon is home too!"

She was so happy that you couldn't help but feel a little better. God, you already hated yourself for what you were about to do.

"I know, sweetheart. Lena called him over."

"She did? Oh."

Her happiness is dimmed as you take her to the living room where Leon and Lena where already waiting. It doesn't go unnoticed by the kids when you skip greeting Lena as you greet Leon.

"What's going on, mom? You're scaring us."

You forced yourself not to look at Lena. She was always the one who dealt with the hard topics but now it was going to be your turn. You sure as hell knew she wasn't going to tell them. Not after filing the divorce.

"Your mother and I are getting a divorce."

Leon cracks a smile and Lauren laughs too. It was impossible for them to imagine their two loving mothers getting a divorced. Sure, they had heard your fights but the two of you fixed things.

"You're kidding, right mom? You're not actually getting divorced."

Lauren asks you but is mainly saying it to reassure herself. She couldn't believe this.

"Mom! Please tell me you're lying."

She practically begs. Tears are already forming in her eyes as she looks between you and Lena.

"I'm sorry, Lauren but the two of us have been struggling for 2 years. It's affecting you and Leon. We think it's better if we end this before it gets worse."

"Is this because I've been misbehaving in school? I'll behave! I'll do anything just please tell me you're kidding."

Leon was quiet the entire time. He couldn't believe what was happening. He had seen it all. He had seen your relationship grow stronger, all your cheesy moments and romantic gestures. Never in his life did he ever picture hearing this conversation.

"No, Lauren. It's not because of that. Your mother and I, can't continue to be together. We tried to fix our marriage for over a year but it didn't work. We want to end this in good terms. We still want to be there for you when you need us."

Leon wraps his arm around Lauren as she cries. She buries her face in his chest as she continues mumbling to the two of you to fix it. The scene breaks your heart. You weren't sure what to do. You wanted to make things better for them. To do anything to stop Lauren from crying but how could you when you were the reason why she was crying. You couldn't witness this any longer. You've stayed strong for both of your kids for over a year, it was time Lena took over. You were exhausted.

You quietly stood up and headed to your bedroom to pack a luggage. Only your essentials and things that couldn't be replaced. Everything else could be bought.

The bag is packed soon enough and before you leave, you take off your ring. Admiring it for one last time as you place it on Lena's nightstand. You didn't need a reminder of your failed marriage.

Leon is still comforting Lauren as you make your way back to your car. Hearing the front door open, Lauren realizes what was happening. She pushes away Leon and runs after you.

"Mommy! Please! Don't leave us! Please!" She cried as she fell to her knees after Leon caught up to her. Lena was right behind them. Wrapping an arm around Leon as they watched you pack your bags in your car. "Mommy! Please let me go with you! I want to go with you, mommy! Please!" She continues to beg.

The idea had been was to quickly bag your bag and leave town. You needed some time for yourself. Away from everyone to focus on yourself. It broke your heart to leave your kids like this and you knew they were going to hate you for leaving but it needed to be done. Lena had broken your heart and yet it was like you had been the one that broke hers. She had been the one to file the divorce, she was the one that had stayed home with Lauren as if she hadn't cheated. You were going to be the bad guy in all of this while she stayed the innocent mom. But you didn't care, you were just so tired. Tired of all the fighting and the tears.

You wiped away your tears and walked over to Leon and Lauren.

"I love the two of you so goddamn much. But I need this, I need to be away from everything. I hope you can understand and forgive me. I promise to be back as soon as I can. I'm always going to be one phone call away if you need me for anything. Please be good to your mum."

You tell them as you hug them tightly one last time. After a while, you step back and make your way back to your car. Refusing to look at them as you pull out of the driveway.

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