Oh! I'm Going to Boil Some Water

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Lena had just landed a successful deal and in order to help her celebrate, you threw a pool party for her to help her relax after a long week. Every one of your friends had been invited to help her celebrate. 

James had recently become friends with a new woman and decided it was a good idea to bring her along so she could meet everyone. He really liked her and hoped his friends did as well. He brought her over so she could meet us.

"Hey, Lena, (Y/n). This is my friend Emily. Emily this is Lena and (y/n). They are both very good friends of mine."

She smiled at the two of us, shaking my hand and then Lena's. Her handshake to you was just a formal one but the one with Lena was different. She bit her lip and put her hair behind her ear after shaking her ear. 

"Well it was certainly nice to meet you Emily. Lena and I, have to go take care of something."

You took Lena's hand and then led her to another place where Emily couldn't check her out. You hardly ever got annoyed when someone flirted with your girlfriend as she quickly shut them down but Lena hadn't seem to do the same with her.

An hour later and it was getting to hot to be outside. Kara figured it would be a fun thing to start a water balloon fight and began to prepare the balloons. You let them all finish them and headed inside to do something.

Lena noticed you weren't helping anymore and jogged over to you. 

"(Y/n), where are you going."

"Oh! I'm just going to boil some water."

Lena was horrified to hear this and since you were acting like a child, she figured she should treat you like one, sending you to timeout in your bedroom so you could cool off.

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