Lauren's Special Day

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Prompt by: Janafo28

It's Lauren's birthday and as usual. Everyone that was close to your family had come over to celebrate her birthday. Lena had actually made the effort to be be available for the entire day and you were grateful. You weren't sure what you were going to do if Lena had missed Lauren's birthday.

Everything was going well, Lauren was happy and so were the guest but you couldn't help but notice that Lena would often disappear for a while without telling you anything. Being tired of getting left in the dark, you followed her to the bathroom, only to hear that she had been talking about work to someone. It irritated you but you didn't barge in and interrupt her.

It's 10 minutes later and she still hadn't come out. You knocked on the door quietly so that Lauren wouldn't hear.


She opens the door and gives you a smile like she hadn't done anything wrong.

"Hey darling, how's the party going? I..."

"Stop it, Lena. It's your daughters birthday for godsake. You couldn't even be bothered to put your phone on silent?"

She looks ashamed but doesn't say anything as she follows you back down to the party.

"Please just for once, put away your wo..."

Lena's phone rang and she didn't even hesitate to answer. She excused herself, leaving you alone with everyone looking at you. She comes back a while later, oblivious to her surroundings.

"Really Lena? I thought you were better than that."

That sets off Lena and the two of you start to argue in front of everyone. Something that the two of you had never done before. Lauren is mortified about what is happening. All she wanted was to spend a normal day with her family.

"Just stop it!"

She yells at the two of you with tears in her eyes. Not wanting to hear any of your excuses, she runs out of the party.

Lena is about to follow but Leon stops her. He knew that talking to mum was the last thing Lauren was going to want.

"Don't. Just don't, Lena."

Lena broke down. She had no idea how she could have let it go this far. Never in her life had she heard Leon speak to her like that or had been the reason that Lauren cried. She had no idea if she was ever going to get her family back.


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