Pick Your Favorite

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Prompt by: Janafo28

Lauren was a very curious child. It was quite obvious that she had inherited from Lena. Honestly, her curiosity was adorable. Sure, it ended up in Lauren getting into big trouble but that didn't stop her curious mind.

Today, had been no exception except for the fact that she might've gone too far.

Lauren had been searching various things online to do in her backyard when she stumbled upon a video about exploding things.

Grabbing her dolls and all the material she needed for the mini explosions, she made her way outside to set everything up.

Being the daughter of two geniuses, allowed her to have a better understanding far greater than kids her age. It's why she had been able to easily build and attach a mini rocket to her dolls. After setting up the camera, she pulled out a lighter and lit up the match.

You and Lena were currently in the kitchen, discussing your latest prototype when you suddenly hear an explosion from outside. Thinking it was another kidnapping attempt, you grabber your gun and rushed outside, only to find your youngest kid with doll parts all over the ground.

"Was that you?!"

She slowly nods, knowing she was in big trouble.

"Inside, young lady."

Following, two of you inside, she took a seat in the living room as you both stood in front of her.

"You better have a good explanation for this Lauren Avery!"

Lena asks as she shows her what was left of the dolls.

"Mommy, mum, I actually have three reasons for why. You can just pick whatever explanation satisfies you."

She says with a small smile.

"They better be damn good or you're grounded."

Knowing if she appealed to Lena's emotional side, she was definitely going to get out of this.

"Well mum, I remembered seeing you do an experiment in your lab and I just wanted to be like you."

Lena softens like butter when she hears Lauren's explanation.

"Aww, honey. It's okay but maybe next time, you should tell us what you're going to do so we make sure you don't get hurt."

You knew exactly what Lauren was doing.


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