Go Ask Him

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Prompt by: Janafo28

Lauren was currently in her Bio class, learning about whales. The teacher was taking questions at the end of her lesson and she decide to raise her hand and ask about the question that had been on her mind since the very beginning.

"Lauren, it's impossible for whales to eat humans because of their small throats."

Her teacher shakes her head, not believing that this was the child of a two geniuses.

"But Jonah was swallowed by a whale."

"I repeat, they can't swallow human remains, Lauren"

Lauren lets out a huff and crosses her arms.

"Well if I die, I'd ask him myself in heaven."

Another kid speaks up, one that Lauren did not get along very well. Lauren practically hated the boy.

"What if he went to hell?"

"Alex! That was very rude."

Lauren's teacher tells him.

"Then go ask him instead and please tell him I said hi."

"Lauren! To the principal's office."


"Tell me again why we're both being called to Lauren's school."

Lena pinches the bridge of her nose, trying to calm herself down. One of these days, one of the three of you were going to giver her a hear attack.

"She acts too much like you."

"What why? What did they tell you?"

"She basically told a kid that he was going to hell."

You keep your mouth shut after, knowing it was better to not say anything. However you were smiling the entire drive to Lauren's school. You were proud of her. You were sure there was a perfectly good reason as to why she had said that.

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