Dora The Explorer

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Prompt by: Janafo28

Ever since Lauren was born, you and Lena would watch Saturday morning cartoons with her. Four years later and the three of you still did the same thing each Saturday morning. Leon would occasionally join in whenever he was home but for the most part, it was just the three of you.

Today's cartoon of the day was Dora the Explore. Lauren for some reason had been obsessed with the cartoon despite never seeing it so she had begged for the two of you to put it on.

The cartoon was quite entertaining for being a kid's show so you and Lena were quite invested in it. The episode was ending and as usual Dora asked her signature question, 'What was your favorite part of the journey.'

"Ohh! I liked the unicorn part."

You answered as she stared at you.

"Pfft. Boring! I liked it when they got to the purple bridge to be able to go to the candy land."

Both of you laughed at your answers but it faded quickly when the two of you noticed Dora staring at you for the longest time.

"Lena, I thought you said this show was save? Are you sure that no one got her to get into it to be able to spy on us."

"(Y/n), don't be ridiculous. It's just a tv show."

Lena answered, trying to reassure herself as well.

Dora continues staring at you and both of your hearts are beating quicker by the minute. Lena's sweating nervously as she starts thinking that it could be something her mother is using to spy on her family.

"That was my favorite part too!"

Dora finally answers after the longest pause.

Both of you released a relieved sigh.

"Oh thank god. We're never speaking of this again."

Lauren is just staring at the two of you the entire time.

"Lets just hope she doesn't bring it up or remember it later on."

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