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Prompt by: Janafo28

PTO meetings had been a thing of the past when graduated but when Lauren was old enough to start going to school, it once again became a requirement.

The teacher is having a mini lesson at this particular meeting to show parents how well their kids are doing.

"Lauren? Can you tell us one thing that you're really proud of yourself?"

"I'm quite fast at math"

Lauren answers confidently. Lena gives her a side hug and kiss on the forehead.

"That's my girl."

She whispers before the teacher continues.

"Okay! That's good. So what's 20x79?"


Lauren once again answers which such confidence that it almost made all the adults think she was right. But it does get the to laugh a little.

"Lauren, that's not even close, honey."

Your kid shrugs before answering.

"I said I was fast, not good at it."

You give Lauren a high five only to find Lena glaring at you.

"She practically looks like me but she's just like you."

Lena tells you. Not believing that she was going to raise another pain in the ass Luthor but she wouldn't trade you or Lauren for anything in the world.

Family - Reader/Lena LuthorWhere stories live. Discover now