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AN: Titles was meant to be gangbang but I wasn't sure if that was going to be against the rules.

Prompt by: Janafo28

It was Friday and that meant it was girls night. You had come out of work a little earlier and headed to the bar to grab a booth before it got too full. After sending a message to Lena about already arriving at the bar, you ordered a drink and checked your messages while you waited for them. You hadn't expected for them to be late and you had already gotten too much to drink. You were talking to someone but you were pretty sure that it was too slurry for them to understand as they just nodded and let you mumble about whatever was coming to your mind.

The bartended had noticed you were already too drunk and took your phone away to dial someone to come pick you up.

She dialed 'My Wifey♡♡♡♡' and explained to her what had happened.

Lena promised to come over as quickly as possible and went to go pick up Alex and Kara to go for you. They soon arrived a little while later, quickly spotting you on one of the corner booths talking loudly to someone from the other booths.

You notice them approach but since you were too drunk, you didn't recognize them.

"Easy there cowgirls. I know you're all gorgeous and all, especially you," you pointed to Lena, "But you see I have a wife," you held your ring finger up, " and if you don't head out. I will call her."

No one budged so you grabbed your number and dialed Lena. Lena quickly answering the phone so you wouldn't hear the ringtone.

"BABEEEEE!! Can you come pick me up??? There are three girls in front of me who want to have a gangbang with me. Help me babe!!"

Kara is blushing hardcore while both Alex and Lena just roll their eyes at your antics. She promise to come over quickly and hung up.

"Lets go. You've clearly had too much to drink."

Kara carried you and followed Lena to her car.

"She is going to die of embarrassment if she finds out what she said. I don't think we should tell her."

Kara said once everyone was inside.

"That's the fun part. I can't wait to tell her in the morning."

Lean answered while looking at your throw the rearview mirror. Tomorrow morning was going to be fun.

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