No Talking Session No. 5 - Little Things Matter

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Prompt by: Janafo28

Being the gentlewoman that she was, Lena had let you take a shower first. She had seen how stressed out you had come from work and figured you needed a hot bath. However, she wasn't expecting for you to take almost an hour long. She was about to knock on the door when you open it.

You gave her a small smile and kissed her cheek.

"Enjoy, babe."

She gave you a questioning glance but didn't say anything as she stepped in.

Inside, she finds the bath was already filled. Lena hadn't touched the water but judging by how warm it was in the bathroom, she knew that you had set it at the perfect temperature. There were roses all over the bathroom floor as well as scented candles that had been turned on. Everything that she were to need for her bath was already in a basket besides it. The last thing she ended up noticing was the note that you had left in the mirror.

Surrounded with a bunch of hearts, 'I love you' was written in large letters.

Even after several years of being married to you, you still surprised her

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