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Both you and Lena were currently in the living room watching a new movie that had just come out. You were leaning against the couch while Lena was laying down on top of you. Neither of you were particularly paying attention to the movie as you were both talking about the day you had. Lena's had been particularly longer as she had to deal with corporate spying. You had offered your services to help her but she had refused. Saying that you had to pick up Leon.

"I really wish I could have helped you. I think we would have finished quicker and you wouldn't have come home so late."

Lena tries to stifle her yawn but fails miserably.

"Is fine. All good."

You could hear how exhausted she was and had offered to already go to sleep.

"Nooo. Wanna cuddle with you."

"But we can cuddle in bed. It'll be much more comfortable."

You had expected a response but it never came.


You leaned over a little to realize she had fallen asleep. It brought a smile to your face and you gently picked her up to head to your bedroom where you laid her down. After making sure that the security alarm was on, you made your way back to cuddle with Lena. Causing her to scoot impossibly closer to you. Practically clinging on to you like a Koala.

"Goodnight, (y/n)."

She whispered.

"Goodnight, sleepyhead."

Family - Reader/Lena LuthorWhere stories live. Discover now