One of her Choices

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Leon had just noticed you simply sign to co-own a beach house that had cost a lot of money. You didn't even argue or anything when she said that she was thinking about getting it last week.

"Mom? I love this house that you both bought but I'm curious, why didn't you tell mum your opinion or anything about the house. You just signed it, agreeing to pay over a million over the house. That's a lot of money."

"You do realize, your mum is a billionaire right. She earns this in a week and considering the rest of the things she has gotten, this is pretty cheap. I don't see a reason to argue or anything about the house. Plus I really like it, the view is amazing."

"Right but what about the other things you've agreed just because she simply asked of you. Like getting buying that restaurant because she hated they didn't have delivery or how she bought that jet since the L-Corp wasn't here or how she bought out the school since she wanted me to have more vacation days for us to go out."

"And? Nothing wrong with any of that."


"Leon! You realize you're one of those choices."

You said out loud, getting tired of him basically calling you whipped.

He kept quiet after that.

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