No Talking Session No. 2 - One More Time

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Prompt by: Janafo28

Friday nights were date nights for you and Lena. Over the years of being married, the two of you had developed a routine to always come home on time on Fridays so you could spend it together for a night after a long week at work. Leon and Lauren would be at their grandparents house for the night so neither of you had anything to worry about.

Lena and you were currently sitting on the couch catching up on a tv show the two of you would watch. Feeling particularly cold, Lena cuddle close to you to steal your body heat. She laid her head on your shoulder and then focused back on the tv.

You hugged her to keep her close to you but she was still too far away. Little by little, you moved her a little closer, making her readjust every couple of seconds until she eventually looked up to you in confusion.

You simple just smiled at her and kissed her forehead, causing her to blush at your actions. She gestured for you to do it one more time and you happily obliged. Readjusting one more time so that she was practically on top of you. Content with the new position, you kissed the top of her head and went back to watching the tv. Lena sighted in content as well and just closed her eyes as she listened to your heartbeat. Quiet nights with you were her favorite.

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