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Prompt by: Janafo28

Leon and Jamie had come back home for the Thanksgiving break. The two of them were still in this weird 'are they' or 'are they not' thing. Neither you or Lena were sure if they were dating. So to clear things up and avoid actually talking to your son about his dating life, you invited Jamie's family, hoping that they might let something slip.

"Jamie, I heard you decided to go with MIT. Excellent choice. Both Lena and I graduated from there. We tried to convince Leon to go to it as well but his mind was set on Harvard. We're still very proud of him."

"Harvard is an amazing school, mom."

"I know but you can't blame us for being a little bias to our alma matter. So Jamie, have you joined any sports or sororities?"

"I've actually been thinking of joining in Alpha Chi Omega."

"Really?! I happened to also be a part of it. If you want, I can give them a call for a recommendation."

"I would love that, Mrs. Luthor. Thank you."

Leon, wanting to impress Jamie as always jumped into the conversation.

"I'm actually in a frat."

Both you and Lena turned to look at each other in surprise. Leon had never mentioned anything about joining any frats. You were just about to ask him about it but Jamie had already beaten you to it.

"That's cool! Is it Kappa Sig?"

Leon started panicking when he took notice of you and Lena glaring at him. He knew that he had been caught in a lie by his mothers but somehow Jamie still had no clue.

"Um yeah. I'm in Peppa Pig."

Lena covers her mouth as she tries to surpress her laugh while you just want to vanish into the air out of embarrassment.

"It's safe to say that you're not in a frat, Leon."

Family - Reader/Lena LuthorWhere stories live. Discover now