Deadly 23: Secret Society

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Yumi's POV

I want to throw this plate towards that guy's face and I know that my friends are also feeling the same. These assholes keep on smirking at us like three years-old kids. If our parents are not here, I would glady slap their faces one by one, especially this negro.

What a nuisance. Aish.

"Mukhang 'di yata kayo magkakasundo-sundo?" Tito Karlo asked, probably noticing our actions towards one another.

Mr. Takishima chuckled. "May problema ba at mukhang diring-diri kayo?"

Kaye nodded. "Ang pangit po kasi ng view."

Alex and I smirked. This woman really says what she wants to say regardless of the situation and the people around her.

I didn't bother to look at Kiana because I know that she's not interested since there are delicious foods in front of her. Tsk.

"Kiera, be nice," sita naman ni Tita Celene sa kanya.

Kaye shut her mouth but also rolled her eyes towards Giovanni.

"These gorgeous ladies have the attitudes of being the heiresses," Mr. Carter said and chuckled.

The old ones also chuckled while Kaye, Alex and I looked at each other. We just kept our mouths shut even if we don't know what they are laughing at. What's funny anyway?

"Dad, you're being too noisy," Ethan said and his father didn't seem to care.

I just ate my food while looking at our parents who are laughing while talking to each other. We are definitely out of place. If they are planning to only talk and laugh at each other, why did they still invite us?

And one more thing, ano bang ginagawa ng mga lalaking ito dito?

We were shocked a while ago when we saw these four assholes together with their parents. I thought it was only us who will have a dinner, but I didn't expect that Tophet Yelp and Zecchino Mafia will also be here. And it looks like they are really close to our parents as if they already know each other for a long time.

And I find that weird that's why ever since we stepped inside the dining room, I started observing them without making it too obvious. And I've observed something very suspicious about the Demeter Family.

"Sandra Ayumi, right?"

Napatingin naman ako kay Mr. Carter nang banggitin niya ang pangalan ko. I nodded and he slightly smiled.

"You're going to be the soon leader of Cryptic Shadows. What's your plan if that happens?"

"Why do you ask, sir? Have a plan to bring our gang down?"

Their lips parted because of what I said while Alex and Kaye stopped themselves from laughing. My parents gave me a warning look but I just shrugged.

Mr. Carter chuckled. "I like your guts, young lady. But please don't misunderstood."

"I won't, sir," I said. "But it's better to be sure. You don't expect me to trust you with the fact that you just recently showed up in UC, don't you?"

My parents immediately glared at me while Kaye showed me a thumbs-up. I learned that from her anyway. I noticed that Kiana glanced at me but also returned her attention to her foods. Mr. Carter just nodded with what I said with a faint smile on his lips.

I was about to eat again when someone suddenly spoke.

"Have some respect," Ethan said.

"Respect? Who? You?" I asked and smirked. "You must be kidding me. I won't respect someone who is lower than me."

4 Deadly Queens Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon