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Chapter 01

"I don't want to get married!" Phana's little sister, May raised her voice right after she heard about the news.

It was breakfast time in Kongthanin household. The family members usually gathered every morning in the dining room to have breakfast together. There were Mr and Mrs Kongthanin. They had 3 children. The first one was Phana. He had 2 younger sisters, May and Jenna.

Mr and Mrs Kongthanin brought them a very big news. They were going to wed one of their children to one of the Daichapanyas.

The marriage was over the business they had. The Kongthanin was a leading pharmaeutical company in Thailand. They wanted to expand their business, therefore the marriage with one of the Daichapanyas was necessary. The Daichapanya Group was a distributor with the largest chain for medical and pharmaceutical goods in Asian market.

Phana kept silent as his sister throwing tantrum to his parents. "I'm barely 18 and you want me to get married with some guy I don't even know?!" She was in wrath. Phana knew May held her tears.

"You only necessarily tie the knots with the Daichapanyas. You don't even have to live together. You don't even have a lover, right? It was marriage on a piece of paper. What's the problem with that?" Mr Kongthanin responded calmly to her daughter's rage.

"You're basically selling me to unknown man!!! How could you do that to your own daughter???!!" May spat back as she slammed the dining table.

"Behave, May!" Mrs Kongthanin scolded her.

Mr Kongthanin sipped his coffee, "So you want Jenna to marry instead?" Jenna was the youngest daughter of the Kongthanins. She was only 14 years old.

May froze. How could her father have this twisted mind. He had always been thinking about the business all his life.

"Dad!!!" Jenna squealed.

Mr Kongthanin ignored her and turned his gaze to his oldest son, "What's your thought, Phana?"

Between his children, Phana had the calmest demeanor. He rarely spoke if it was not necessary. He was the brightest among the three. He most likely would be the next leader of the Kongthanin Group.

"I think it's quite logical to have the two of both families wedded," Phana ate his breakfast quietly.

"You want to sell me off too?!" May was frustrated. He thought her father was the only one who's insane. Now her brother too?!

"Well, no.. I only speak my thought." He replied.

"How about we have Pha wedded to the Daichapanya?" Jenna suddenly interfered.

"Ha! Such a good idea!" May voted for Jenna's opinion.

Phana blinked. He didn't know things would turn against him.

Mr and Mrs Kongthanin shared a stare. Then Mr Kongthanin spoke to Phana, "Are you willing to?"

"Isn't the Daichapanyas only have one son?" Phana questioned. Mr Kongthanin only nodded.

"You want me to wed a guy?" Phana choked on his food. He couldn't believe this. He was asked to marry another guy? What kind of joke is this?

"Well, there was no feelings nor physical contact involved, so.." Mrs Kongthanin tried to reason out.

"And it was 1 year marriage only. On a piece of paper. No big deal." Mr Kongthanin said in hopeful manner.

Phana fell silent. Sure, he thought the marriage was not a big deal, if it was for her sister. But it could be a big deal for him. He was about to be married with an unknown guy.

It would be his dream to have a supporting parents with his sexual orientation. Phana was gay. But he was not ready to be out of the closet. His parents was this supportive because they didn't know he was gay, and it was a business marriage, no feelings involved. Phana was sure their parents would oppose if he ever brought a guy home.

"Pha.." His mother called him as she put his palm on Phana's. He could see his parents hope he would accept this marriage.

He looked at his sisters. They stared at Phana hopefully. He didn't have a heart to sell off his two sisters.

He sighed. He had no choice. He nodded as he continued to eat his breakfast.

The loud cheer could be heard from the Kongthanin's household. May and Jenna hugged each other. His parents clapped their hands.

Hang in there, Phana. It's only a year. He mentally patted himself for sacrificing his non-existent love life.
In the Daichapanya's household, Ming was utterly shocked by the news his dad just delivered.

"You want me to what?????" Ming couldn't believe his ears.

"Married to one of the Kongthanins." His dad repeated the news.

Ming had always lived wildly and freely. He never settled for anyone. He would constantly change girlfriend after girlfriend. Now, he was asked to marry someone? For a year? Was this some kind of joke?

When Ming was about to say something, Mr Daichapanya's phone rang. He turned so serious talking to someone accross the phone. After what seemed like 5 minutes, his dad put the phone back on the table. He sighed.

He looked at Ming. "Are you gay?" He asked frankly without beating around the bush.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Ming was on rage. His dad knew he was changing girls after girls. Wasn't it obvious already?

"Watch your mouth, young man!" His mom glared at him.

Ming sighed. "Of course not... You always know I'm changing girl after girl... not boys.." He cringed as he imagined himself with a guy.

"It's not a problem if you are wedded to a guy, right?" His father said something ridiculous again. Was his father always this twisted?

"I've just said I date girls, Dad!" Ming spatted as he raked his hair.

"That's the point! If you are marrying a guy, you don't have to worry about the feelings which might be involved! He would understand you better with your play! You would be married on the paper, and have the life you've always had. Moreover, it's only a year, Ming. Think again." His dad explained.

Ming thought so hard but it still made no sense.

He finally thought an offer that might be declined by his parents. "If I were to marry this guy, can I have a condo for myself?"

Mr and Mrs Daichapanya shared a stare. Ming knew his parents were never willing to let him live alone. They were afraid Ming would be wilder if he lived alone.

But this time, his parents' response was contradicted to what he had in mind. Mr and Mrs Daichapanya agreed to his offer.

"Then, it's settled that you are going to marry Kongthanin's first son. You'll also live with him." Ming shivered.

Did he just dig his own grave?
To be continued

Hello, I'm back again with Mingpha story 😂
I love them too much lol

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