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Chapter 07

The next day was Monday. Phana had gone to the hospital when Ming woke up. It was 7AM. He frowned as he looked at Phana's empty room.

Phana purposely sneaked out when it was still dawn. He didn't want to meet Ming for the time being. Phana didn't know what to say to Ming actually for leaving Ming just like that last night. Phana knew it was all his feelings

His eyes were red, Ming would immediately know that Phana was crying all night. Without getting any sleep, Phana went to the hospital. His shift started at 9AM but he asked for extra hours of shift to his supervisor last night.

Ming sat on Phana's bed. He lied down on it, looking at the ceiling. Short after, Ming dozed off. On Phana's bed.

He finally jolted and woke up. He checked the time at his phone when he realized he had slept off for two hours. Shit! He cursed himself as he raked his head and walked to shower.

Short after, he was ready to work, with his grey suit. Ming was soon to be the CEO of Daichapanya Group as he was the only son.

Ming was really late, so he chose to ride his bike.

As soon as he arrived at the company, he went to his dad's secretary right away.

"P' do you by any chance know Phana's phone number? And the hospital he was having his internship?" He bombarded Nam with question after question.

"Do you think I'm google or what," Nam rolled her eyes. She was 3 years older than Ming. Other than his family and Phana's family, Nam was the only one who knew Ming was getting married.

"I'm being serious here, P'! I really need to see him!" Ming banged Nam's table.

"I won't give them if you don't behave yourself!" Nam scolded Ming as he smacked Ming's head.

Ming scowled. Nam typed to her keyboard with boring look. "Found it." She said.

Ming tried to glance at the Nam's laptop. But she flipped it closed right away.

"Fucking really?????" Ming was so ready to fight with this evil bitch.

"Language!!" She barked at him, "I won't give it till you finish this document today." She gave Ming a mountain of papers to be done by today.

"But–," Ming tried talking but he was cut off.

"Whether you finish these or you never get your dearest husband's information. Your choice." Nam said as she folded her hands on the chest.

Ming stomped as he took the documents harshly. "Remember to have them done by today!" Nam warned Ming.

As Ming had disappeared from her sight, she shook her head. She switched on her laptop back. She scrolled down to Phana's profile information. She smirked because all her life, it was the first time Ming wanted to know about someone. Having known Ming for almost cared about 10 years, she knew him like the back of her hand. Ming cared for his soon to be husband. Nam laughed wickedly. It will be fun.
Ming worked his ass off as if his life depended on it. He typed on the keyboard with full force. "Bitch." Ming cursed at the empty air as he fist punched the table. He swore he would kill that witch someday.

Ming didn't stop for long. He was back again doing the work.

Without him knowing, Nam peeked at her boss' son behind the door. Ming was seriously working on the tasks he was given without stopping. It was already lunch time, usually Ming would have slacked off and gone before lunch to flirt with female employees. He even had secretly having sex in the office. Nam knew everything. Ming couldn't hide anything from her. She was like the older sister he never had.

Nam smirked as she closed the door carefully. Ha! Ming really cared for Phana without him realizing it. She smelled that a drama would be coming. She would have her popcorn ready soon.

Ming threw finished documents on Nam's table. "Now, tell me." He hissed.

Nam didn't even jolt. She was so used to Ming's rudeness. "Owh, what have you done to him, Ming~" She mocked him.

"Fucking tell me or I will smack your face!" Ming didn't have forever to play around. He needed to see Phana.

"Alright, alright.. Gee, what a rude way to ask for help. If you're not your father's son, I would have kicked you right now!" Nam rebuked as she printed Phana's information on a piece of paper.

Ming snatched it right away from Nam as he said, "You've been kicking me for life, I couldn't feel the pain anymore."

Ming read the paper solemly when suddenly Nam kicked hin in the shin.

"Fucking bitch!!!!!" Ming groaned and cursed at the same time as he rolled on the floor.

"Can't feel the pain anymore, my ass!" Nam snickered. She soon walked away from Ming but her steps halted, she turned to Ming who was trying to stand up only to say, "Good luck pampering the sulking wife." Then she left with her evil laughed.

Ming ran to the parking lot as soon as the pain went away. Killing Nam could wait. He blasted his bike to the hospital where Phana was having his internship.


Phana's phone vibrated. When he saw it was Forth who was calling, he answered right away, "Forth! You okay?" He forgot to check on Forth because he was busy assisting surgery with his mentor a.k.a his Professor.

"Yeah I'm at the hospital's parking lot." Forth's chuckled could be heard accross the line.

Phana walked fast to the parking lot, almost running, without cutting the call.

Then he saw Forth was leaning against the car. Phana's car. When Forth saw Phana, it was the time he finally cut the call.

Phana's chest moved up and down as he walked so quickyly to meet Forth.

"You didn't have to bring me the car, you know, I could get it myself tonight." Phana tapped Forth's upper arm, the way Phana showed his thank.

"Have you had lunch?" Phana asked Forth. It was too late for lunch, more like early dinner. But whatever it was, he wanted to treat him as gratitude.

Forth shook his head. Phana then grabbed Forth's hand and say, "Come on! My treat!" He dragged Forth to the canteen.

As soon as they sat down on the empty table after buying their lunch, Phana immediately apologized for what had happened to Forth last night.

If it wasn't for Phana, Forth wouldn't even be hurt like that. Phana thought it was all his fault.

Forth stopped Phana from apologizing by caressing Phana's hair while he had his head bowing down to Forth.

But Forth's hand was soon slapped and Phana was grabbed his by his shoulder from behind

by someone none other than, Ming.
To be continued

Sorry for the late update, im getting busy 🥺

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