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Chapter 13

Phana was stunned. The moment Ming pressed their lips together, Phana was taken aback He neither pushed Ming nor kissed him back. He only let Ming kissed his lips.

Ming nibbled Phana's lips. It tasted sweet, Ming wanted more. He grinded his leghth behind his jeans to Phana's crotch.

"Nggghhh.." Phana moaned softly.

Ming frowned. "Hmmm...?" He stopped kissing and grinding. He looked at Phana with his confused eyes.

Phana was about to caress Ming's cheek when Ming suddenly said, "Girl, your pussy felt weird..."

Phana froze on the spot. Ming was dead drunk. He couldn't recognize it was Phana. He thought he was a girl?

"But I'm horny, I need to do you tonight.." Ming smirked as he whispered to Phana's ear.

Ming started to kiss Phana from his forehead, nose, and pursed his lips again.

Phana closed his eyes as the tears that started forming rolled down to his cheeks.

Ming hovered his body on Phana, then suddenly he dropped on the top of him. Phana opened his eyes, he heard soft snores.

Ming fell asleep. On the top of his body. Phana sighed. He pushed Ming slowly so Ming was now laying on the bed.

Phana wiped his tears with his right hand as he was getting off of the bed, but his left hand was gripped tightly by Ming's.

He sat on the edge of the bed. He gazed at Ming softly. He leaned closer to Ming as he kissed Ming's forehead.

"Good night, Mingkwan.."

He lied down next to Ming close but far enough for Ming to move in his sleep. Ming turned his body to Phana.

Their hands were connected between them. Phana's eyes fluttered shut. He was pulled to his slumber.


Ming opened his eyes slowly. He was awaken by the light snores he heard.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he was greeted by Phana's peaceful sleeping face. Ming stared into Phana deeply as he squeezed Phana's palm in his softly.

He thought he had done it with a girl. He couldn't remember anything at all. The last thing he remembered was he dropped dead on a girl's lap on the bar. After that, his mind went blank.

He didn't do the girl and came home with Phana? Or he did it to Phana? But Ming saw their clothes were still intact.

So he only slept with Phana? How nice of him to let Ming drag him to sleep together. When Phana had Forth, the boyfriend.

Ming clenched his jaw. He felt hurt thinking about them being together. He was originally went to the bar to have some booze and get laid. He wanted to erase everything in his head. Everything related to Phana.

But here he was. Not forgetting anything, not even sleeping with girl. But with Phana. As soon as he opened his eyes, it was Phana who welcomed his vision.

Ming felt even more depressed than last night.

He got up slowly as he turned his head to Phana. Phana's body shook a little. Ming then tucked the quilt over Phana's body.

He got off of the bed and walked outside of his room as he grabbed his cigarette from the night stand. It was still dawn, he went to the balcony.

Then he blew some smokes. His mind flew to the person who was now sleeping soundly on his bed.

In Ming's room, what Ming didn't know, as soon as he left the room, Phana fluttered his eyes open. He swam in tears as he covered his mouth to muffle his crying sound.


Phana clicked the door open softly. He peeked from inside. He saw Ming was sleeping on the couch.

He tiptoed to his own room to get some changes and loaded them to his backpack. Phana opened the door as slow as he could. He didn't want to wake Ming up.

He was ready to go, with his big backpack on his left shoulder. He had not showered yet. But Phana needed to go before Ming woke up. He had to fix his heart first before he could face Ming again.

And he absolutely needed more than a night to do that.


When Ming had woken up, Phana had already gone. Ming thought Phana went to the hospital for his shift like usual.

He then got ready to work. He lazily rode his bike.

Soon he arrived at the company. As he walked to his table, Nam had already stood by it. She tapped one of her foot on the floor. She was not that patient to wait for Ming to appear.

She strode out to Ming as soon as she spotted Ming walking lazily to his desk.

Before Ming could say any words, he was greeted by Nam's fist. Not a gentle one. It was definitely a punch.

Ming was about to protest but Nam outdid him, "When I pushed you to fix the thing between you and your fiance, I meant for you to sort it out by telling your feelings! Not the other way around! What the fuck were you thinking?!"

"What.." Ming had not finished asking, but Nam already spat back.

"You fucking idiot, he met your dad and his father to call off your engagement. Forget about the wedding, you won't even live with him from now on!!!" She was fuming. She needed to smack some sense to Ming. She thought Ming was smarter than this.

"Huh? Why??" Ming was stunned. He thought Phana had agreed to proceed with the wedding. Ming even let him date Forth. As long as Phana was his. On paper.

"What do you mean why?! He told off both of your parents that he was gay. He didn't have a heart to drag you, the straightest man, or so he thought, any further. He said that he cannot let you ruin your life by marrying a man, when you are not even gay. Or so he thought." Nam explained the details made Ming even more shaken.

Phana called off their wedding? To set Ming free from him? But... he didn't want to be free from Phana. That's why he proposed such idea to him. Ming frowned harder.

"Tell me, you don't tell your feelings, don't you?! That's why he has come to this conclusion by himself. Why don't you explain yourself properly to him???!!!" Nam scowled. She was really done with Ming.

"W- What feeling...?" Ming was lost. Why would Nam brought on feelings in the equation. She knew Ming never had any feelings towards anyone.

"You fucking love him, Mingkwan! For fuck's sake you did all sort of things to him, yet you didn't get a slightest idea about that??!!" Nam yelled at him.

Ming gasped as he raked his own hair. Fuck!


To be continued

Yeah, you fucked up, Ming.

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